Infor EAM in the Handling Engineering Group at CERN Cathelijne HAZELAAR-BAL My name is Cathelijne and I’m working in the Handling Engineering Group at CERN.
Agenda Introduction Handling Engineering Group Statistics Infor EAM Dashboard Equipment Work Orders Spare Parts Pentaho Reporting Future for EN/HE Conclusions Today I would like to show you how we use Infor EAM for maintenance management in our group. After and introduction and some statistics I will tell about the different modules of Infor we mainly use namely: Equipment, Work Orders and Spare Parts. This will be followed by the Pentaho Reporting tool showing several charts. The presentation will be finished by showing our future actions before getting to the conclusions. 27-09-2018
Introduction EN/HE Provide transport and handling services Design, integration and feasibility studies Tendering and procurement, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning Standard industrial and custom-built transport and handling equipment 5 supply contracts 4 maintenance contracts 1 operation contract Our group provides the transport and handling services, as seen in these pictures, which means preparation, organization and coordination of transport and handling operations. We also have a project office responsible for design, integration and feasibility studies. We are responsible for the entire lifecycle of transport equipment, which can be standard industrial or custom built. This includes horizontal transport vehicles, lifting vehicles, cranes, hoists, passenger and goods lifts. Numbers indicated in next slide Statistics. 27-09-2018
Statistics Operations in 2017 Total Weight: 95000 t Number of Contractor Personnel: 70 FTEs Total Value of Handled Goods: 730’000’000 CHF 130 Lifts 365 Overhead Cranes 1000 Hoists 2000 Transport and Lifting Vehicles Operation Contractor Personnel ~ 70 / Month Total Value: 730 mCHF ~ 650 m€ 2017 a “calm” year, times 1.5 during long shutdown Weight x 1.8 Personnel x 1.2 Value x 1.3 27-09-2018
Statistics Work Orders: ~ 9000/year Created and Closed Documents: ~ 13.000 Spare Parts: ~ 4000 27-09-2018
Infor EAM - Dashboard Inbox: List of filtered WOs used by technical responsible for contract follow-up Charts: Showing breakdown tendency for contract manager KPIs: Used for Maintenance Contracts 27-09-2018
Infor EAM Equipment - Structure Functional Positions: Equipment Structure Assets: Equipment follow-up Sub-Assets: Documentation and Part Structure Mobile equipment (vehicles) > Assets For Cranes and Lifts > Assets for equipment follow-up and FP for structure Sub-assets for documents ~ 30 to 100 documents for cranes Rails installed in bld. 112 2 Cranes installed on these Rails Both Cranes replaced recently (Asset number differs from FP) Electrical sub-Asset a unique remote controller (Part tracked by Asset) 27-09-2018
Infor EAM Equipment - Graph 27-09-2018
Infor EAM Equipment - EDMS Documents 13.000 Documents uploaded in EDMS (~50% digitalized Paper Documents) ~ 30% of Total Assets Linked to Asset in Infor EAM This example 91 documents. Total docs: HPR 96% HAS 1% 27-09-2018
Infor EAM Equipment - Meter Readings Hours Strokes (currently testing automatic read-out for lifts) Meter reading entered each maintenance Analyze equipment usage for maintenance and consolidation Automatic read-out: still difficulties: unstable “datastream” 27-09-2018
Infor EAM - Work Orders 4 Maintenance Contracts ~ 9000 Created and Closed WOs per year 7 WO Types Preventive Maintenance Plans Usage Spare Parts Closing Codes and Downtime Hours for Breakdowns → Reliability Calculations Closing Codes Breakdowns: to distinguish between: Equipment stopped running Equipment continues running Misuse of Equipment 27-09-2018
Infor EAM – Preventive Maintenance Plans Lifts - 5 PMPs 259 Assets Every 1, 2, 3, 6 or 12 Months Cranes & Hoists - 1 PMP 461 Assets Every 6 or 12 Months Spare Parts - 1 PMP 36 Assets Every 24 Months More than 1000 WOs created automatically 1 PMP for Periodic Safety Inspections (mainly annually) to be set up 27-09-2018
Parts – EAM Light In-house developed user interface Spare Parts ~ 4000 (3 Stores) 42 Parts tracked by Asset (nearly 300) ~150 Issued/Returned Parts per Year Barcode Labels Photos of each Part Manufacturer and Part Number 27-09-2018
Parts – EAM Store Kiosk In-house developed user interface Very user- friendly and intuitive Search for Parts When logging in > default store Select action (issue/return) Select WO or Equipment Scan Bar Code Submit transaction 27-09-2018
Pentaho Reporting Closing Codes Breakdowns: to distinguish between: Equipment stopped running ( Equipment continues running (high speed of one crane movement doesn’t work) Misuse of Equipment (blocking of lift doors) 27-09-2018
Pentaho Reporting Top 10 Breakdowns: for maintenance management (on which asset to put efforts) and for consolidation plan 27-09-2018
Pentaho Reporting This bar chart indicates the scheduled preventive maintenance for each month. The different colors show if the maintenance was finished in time or with delay or not finished at all. 27-09-2018
Infor EAM – Future for EN/HE Checklists Projects Scheduling Case Management / Logbook Reliability Analysis Standardize procedures amongst different contracts within EN/HE SAILOR Levage: Integration Periodic Safety Inspections of Lifting Equipment in Infor Checklists: FAT and Onsite Acceptance Tests Scheduling: requested and scheduled dates Logbook: for tracking activities not requiring creation of WOs 27-09-2018
Conclusions Improved Overview of our Equipment Park (Consolidation Plan) Justification of Budget Increase (e.g. Equipment Usage and Breakdowns during Shutdown) Reduced Time regarding: Documentation Retrieval WO creation Administration (EAM Light) Spare Parts Retrieval 27-09-2018
Maintenance Management… Thank you for your attention! Although many things have been put in place in the last couple of years, there is still a lot of work to do. …is like a never ending road…