The Dangers of Drugs Instructor: Young Marine Staff Sergeant Downey
DEPRESSANTS This section will be on the misusage of depressants.
What is a Depressant? Depressants are drugs that reduces the functioning of the central nervous system or any other part of the body. Although this doesnt just include the typical barbiturates but rather opioids, alcohol, and heroin. Depressants are usually taken into the body in pill form as they are most often then not prescription drugs. Although one of the most common depressants just so happens to be one of the most readily availably depressants on the market. This of course is alcohol.
Depressants Depressants affect the body in many different way; but the most common way it affects the body is it makes the user feel relaxed and reduces the level of tension. Over a long period of time of using depressants one might build a tolerance to the drug. Once a tolerance starts, addiction isnt too far off. Depressant drug abuse my have a good initial feeling but after prolonged usage one may begin to feel lethargic, begin to slur their words, and confusion.,
The Effects of Alcohol Alcohol effects every part the body differently. For example, the way alcohol effects the bloodstream is different then how alcohol affects the brain, liver or heart. The bloodstream is in many ways effected by long term usage. Extended alcohol abuse can cause several different kinds of anemia and also blood clotting abnormalities. Prolonged alcohol abuse can also impair the way white blood cell function, thus the abuser is more likely to become infected.
Alcohol and the Brain Alcohol effects the brain in different ways. Since there are so many parts of the brain such as the cerebral cortex, limbic system, the cerebellum, hypothalamus, pituitary glands and the medulla (brain stem), all these parts of the brain are effected differently by the use of alcohol. For example, the cerebral cortex process information from all your senses. As the use of alcohol is grows greater, the possibility for poor judgment grows stronger. In addition the user may feel more talkative and outgoing.
Drinking and Driving
HALLUCINOGENS This section will be on hallucinogens.
What is a hallucinogen? A hallucinogen is any kind of drug that alters your perception on reality. The four most common hallucinogens are LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), Peyote, Psilocybin and PCP (phencyclidine). Each hallucinogen has a different effect.
LSD lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD for short) is one of the strongest mood altering chemicals. It was discovered in 1938 and made from lysergic acid, which can be found in ergot. Ergot is a fungus that grows of rye and other grains. LSD is abused by any people, people just like you and me. The user will a dropper or needle and either drop a few drops of LSD onto a small piece of blotter paper or inject LSD in to a cube of sugar with a needle. The high received from LSD is often referred to as a trip, and lasts for several hours generally ending after 12 hours.
Peyote Peyote is a small, spineless cactus in which the active ingredient is mescaline. This cactus has been used in northern Mexico and the southwestern United States by natives as religious ceremonies. Mescaline can also be made through chemical synthesis. Both peyote and mescaline are listed in the CSA as Schedule I hallucinogens. The top of the peyote cactus is referred to as the crown and consists of disc-shaped buttons that are cut from the root and dried. These buttons are generally chewed or soaked in water to create an intoxicating liquid.
Psilocybin Is found in certain types of mushrooms that are indigenous to tropical and subtropical regions of South America, Mexico, and the United States. These mushrooms (shrooms) typically contain less 0.5 percent psilocybin and trace amounts of psilocin (another hallucinogenic substance). Mushrooms (shrooms) containing psilocybin are offered fresh or dried and are typically taken orally. Psilocybin can be put in foods or even brewed into teas, causing the bitter flavor to be masked by the food or drink. The effect can last up to 6 hours.
PCP PCP (phencyclidine) was first developed in the 1950s. PCP is a white crystalline powder that is readily poured into water or alcohol. It has a very profound bitter chemical taste. PCP can be mixed with food coloring and sold on the illicit drug market in several different forms of tablets, capsules, or even colored powers to be snorted, smoked, or orally ingested. Depending on the way PCP is smoked (with green leafy plants such as mint, parsley, or marijuana) the effects wont start to wear off for approximately 4 – 6 hours.
INHALANTS This section will be on inhalants.
What is an inhalant? An inhalant is any household item that can be huffed or bagged to get high. Huffing and bagging are terms used for inhaling household chemicals through the mouth or nose to get high. There are also item specifically made to get high using this method, these drugs are called poppers. Bagging a term used for spraying the contents the container into a bag and huffing it. Huffing is where you spray the contents of the container into your body directly.
How do Inhalants Affect the body? When used inhalants give off a sense of euphoria. In actuality, the user may become confused, loose coordination, and may even make reckless decisions. Since judgment is impaired when high from an inhalant or popper the user is more likely to do something reckless and irresponsible. Using inhalants can cause heart palpitations, hallucinations, blindness and paranoia.
NARCOTICS This section will be on narcotics.
What is a Narcotic? Anything that alters your behavior, attitude, sense of reality and enhances or depresses your mood. Narcotics are derived from the opium poppy plant (opium). Narcotics are related to heroin, morphine, and other common drugs.
The Affects of Narcotics on the body Narcotic drugs can effect the body in many different ways, Although there are legitimate uses for these drug, such as treating pain, aggression, and even diarrhea. Even though user of these drugs experience an over all sense of wellbeing while abusing the drug there are numerous different dangers that go along with their ingestion. Toxicity can develop, which can cause slurred speech through loss of motor skills. Whats even more dangerous about narcotics like heroin are its means of entering the body is a needle, and are generally passed around. This increases the risk of developing HIV/AIDS.
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