Preparing for Desire2Learn. An interactive tutorial for the new Course Management System at Lansing Community College.
Introduction In light of LCCs expiring contract with Angel, the school has decided to pursue other options. This change has come as a relief to many, but has also been accompanied with a little anxiety as to how smooth the transition will be. Rest assured this was greatly considered in the selection process, and this short tutorial will show you how easy it can be transfer the new Course Management System; Desire2Learn.
Content Goal: To inform and prepare instructors at Lansing Community College on how to transfer course content from Angel to Desire2Learn. In this tutorial we will cover 5 basic questions that hopefully will alleviate most major concerns. What is Desire2Learn? How long will course content remain in Angel? How will Angel courses be converted? What needs to be done, once the course(s) are converted? Where to go for Help?!
What is Desire2Learn? Desire2Learn is a web-based suite of tools for course development, delivery and management. It is widely used and innovative. D2L will replace Angel for LCCs Course Management system, effective Summer Semester
How long will course content remain in Angel? The last date to access ANGEL will be May 14, 2012, so be sure to have all content you wish to save backed up in another location Semester to Archive Last Access Date Fall 2011January 17, 2012 Spring 2012May 14, 2012
How will Angel courses be converted? All departmental master courses will be converted to D2L by eLearning. Semester courses, LORs and personal master courses can be converted also through the Course Conversion application. (available mid December) Student data, work or posts cannot be imported from ANGEL into Desire2Learn.
What needs to be done, once the course(s) are converted? Instructors will need to review their converted course(s) to verify that the content was successfully converted and will need to modify the course layout as necessary. Remember May 14 th is the last day to access Angel.
Where to go for Help! Help Desk; , The Help is available by phone or 7am to Midnight, seven days a week. The Center for Teaching Excellence; TLC , The CTE is open for walk-in office hours 8am to 6pm Monday through Thursday and 8am to 4pm on Friday. eLearning; ,
Pop Quiz; Question 1/3 What is the last date to access Angel? Jan 17 th 2012 May 14 th 2012
Incorrect Jan 17 th 2012 is the last date to back up courses for the Fall Semester. Access to Angel will continue until May 14, 2012
Correct! Access to Angel will continue until May 14, 2012 But there is no need to wait!
Pop Quiz; Question 2/3 True or False eLearning will convert all master courses automatically. True False
Opps! The correct answer is false. eLearning will automatically convert departmental master courses, you will be expected to request personal master courses to be converted.
Great! Youre right! We are still expected to request our LORs, semester courses and personal master courses to be converted.
Pop Quiz; Question 3/3 Story Problem. Its the ending of spring and you just remembered you needed to finish converting your LOR, but its 9:30pm on a Friday and your heading out of town for a week to stay at your in-laws. Stress is high and you need help getting this Angel content converted before your trip. Who do you call? Your tech savvy niece? The Help Desk? or FEMA?
Duh! Though I dont doubt the skills of your niece, the friendly folks at the Help Desk will be able to login and help walk you through, 7am to midnight, 7 days a week. And frankly she likely has better things to do on a Friday night.
Lucky guess! Yes of course the Help Desk are the ones to call am to midnight 7 days a week
Ya, good luck with that! I wonder if FEMA even has office hours. Anyway… the Help Desk at are the people to call, and they wont leave you stranded on the roof of your house, if you call before midnight.
Thats it. Thanks for taking the time to complete this tutorial and Good Luck! Quick recap, Desire2Learn is the new Course Management replacing Angel starting Summer The eLearning department will be converting departmental master course automatically, but we will need to request our own content to be converted. Also dont forget access to Angel will close on May 14 th !
References Course Management System Updates Desire2Learn – New System Summer 2012, eLearning Dept. Lansing Community College, August learn/communications/cms-updates-august-2011.pdf learn/communications/cms-updates-august-2011.pdf Course Management System Updates Desire2Learn – New System Summer 2012, eLearning Dept. Lansing Community College, October learn/communications/cms-updates-oct2011.pdf learn/communications/cms-updates-oct2011.pdf End Tutorial