At the turn of the century! CANADA At the turn of the century!
Canada Prior World War One Divisions between French and English Manitoba Schools Dispute, 1890-1896 - loss of french language / publicly funded Catholic schools Boer War in South Africa (Supported by English, not French)
Canada Prior WWI Relationship between Canada and Britain Colonial country trying to find its identity/independence Strong ties to Britain British traditions (ie: govt) and many British immigrants Boer War in South Africa
Canada Prior WWI Relationship between Canada and America Border disputes - 49th parallel Alaska boundary (panhandle) dispute during Klondike Gold Rush Reciprocity, 1911 - free trade with US.
Canada Prior WWI Aboriginal Peoples Indian Act 1876 Reserves, move to farming and away from traditional lifestyle Displacement as immigrants more westward Residential schools, assimilation
Canada Prior WWI Multiculturalism Aboriginal People, Europeans, Asians, etc... Laurier gov’t (1896-1911) pushed for more immigration (labour force) although diverse, still discrimination (ie: Chinese Head Tax, Komagata Maru)
Canada Prior WWI The Environment The opening of the West Growing lumber industry Klondike gold rush Urbanization / industrialization Creation of Parks
The Six Big Themes Divisions between French and English Relationship between Canada and Britain Relationship between Canada and America Aboriginal Peoples Multiculturalism The Environment