Sam J Cole Institute of Criminology University of Cambridge Explaining Crime Variations Across the City: Methodologies for Capturing Socially Cohesive Neighbourhood Processes
Neighbourhood Crime Rates Sampson, Raudenbush and Earl’s (1997) ‘Collective Efficacy Theory’ Collective Efficacy Social cohesion Social control Neighbourhood Crime Rates
Shift from residents’ perceptions… to what they will do in practice
‘Lost’ Letters 375 stamp-addressed letters were “lost” in sampled neighbourhood clusters across Peterborough, U.K.
Residents sees stamp-addressed letter on pavement Post letter? Active measure of social cohesion – care for others Active measure of social control– intervene to help Inactive measure of social cohesion – lack of care Inactive measure of social control – unwilling to help No Yes
Percentage return rate Collective Efficacy Score Quintiles
Forecast the effectiveness of intervention Micro-level allocation of resources where needed most Better understand how people may react to crime in settings Lost-letters can take the ‘pulse’ of neighbourhood social processes Negates problem of low response rates Dynamic measure capable of capturing action Sustainable cities require: Social Cohesion Social Altruism
Thank you Sam J Cole PADS+ Institute of Criminology University of Cambridge