2014 – 2015 Course Registration for Current 8th Graders
REQUIREMENTS TO GRADUATE Earn 26 required State Credits Pass required End of Course (EOC) Exams
CREDITS State Credits – count toward graduation 26 Credits Required 1 Full Year Class = 1 Credit 1 Semester Class = .5 Credit Local Credits – do not count toward graduation (Office Aide, Student Leadership, etc.) Denied Credit – Student does not earn credit due to excessive absences, despite passing grades
REQUIRED COURSEWORK (In addition to English, Math, Science, & Social Studies) 2 years of the same Foreign Language Spanish French German Latin
REQUIRED COURSEWORK (cont.) 1 year of Fine Art Art Band Orchestra Choir Theater (Performance or Technical) Dance Color Guard (Spring only) Floral Design
REQUIRED COURSEWORK (cont.) 1 year of PE or Equivalent PE Athletics Cheerleading (S1 only) ROTC (1st year only gives you a PE Credit) Drill Team (S1 only) Marching Band (S1 only) Color Guard (S1 only) Can earn up to 4 PE credits
ATHLETICS All sports have open enrollment at KOHS except: Swimming Volleyball Baseball Golf Sign up for PE until approved by coach or tryouts occur for the above sports. All other sports require tryouts and/or coach approval Coach contact information is on the Klein Oak website
END OF COURSE EXAMS (EOC) You must successfully complete the following EOC exams. Level II or above. English 1 (Reading and Writing) English 2 (Reading and Writing) Algebra 1 Biology US History
ADVANCED ACADEMICS Pre AP, AP, & Dual Credit (DC) Rigorous coursework and more homework Preparation of AP/DC Classes Earn college credit Honors grade points Be college ready Advanced Measure Distinguished Plan Limited opportunity for schedule changes Consider your schedule, extra curricular activities, and other responsibilities prior to selecting Advanced Courses.
HOW TO EARN GRADE POINTS? Year/Semester averages are used to determine grade points Advanced courses receive more grade points
TRANSCRIPT Official academic record Send to colleges and scholarships Semester averages Total credits earned EOC’s, GPA, Rank Send to colleges and scholarships
The IBA is a four-year program that focuses on the HS core curriculum with additional academic courses emphasizing business, language, and culture. It is only available at Klein Forest High School.
Klein Forest High School IBA- International Business Academy Contact Information Karen Babb IBA Coordinator Klein Forest High School 832.484.4503 kbabb1@kleinisd.net
The International Baccalaureate®(IB) offers high quality programs of international education to a worldwide community of schools. It is only available at Klein Oak High School.
THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE® (IB) For Information please contact: Linda Garner IB Coordinator 832.484.5026 lgarner@kleinisd.net
PURPOSE During the last legislative session, changes were made to graduation plans and state assessments through House Bill 5. To identify the graduation plan (endorsement) options available to Klein ISD students in order that parent may help their student to select the best option for their desired academic pursuit.
KEY COMPONENTS OF HB 5 HB5 eliminates the Recommended and Distinguished Achievement High School Graduation Plans for students entering 9th grade in 2014-2015 and beyond. The new graduation plan is called the Foundation High School Graduation Plan (with career pathway endorsements). Opportunities to take a Career and Technology courses to satisfy endorsement requirements. Reduced number of EOC assessments to 5 tests
END OF COURSE EXAMS The number of EOC exams reduced from 15 to 5. REQUIRED ASSESSMENTS English 1 (Reading and Writing) English 2 (Reading and Writing) Algebra 1 Biology US History
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Cutting-edge, rigorous courses that prepare students for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, high demand careers
Why take CTE? Participate in hands-on, real-world training Join student organizations and gain leadership experience Learn the skills colleges and employers seek Build your resume and portfolio Be better prepared for college and career by saving time and money Obtain possible scholarships Earn business and industry recognized certifications for employment Earn core graduation credits in Science, Fine Arts, and Speech Graduate with an Endorsement in Business/Industry, STEM, or Public Services
Graduation Endorsements / CTE Programs of Study Business & Industry Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Architecture and Construction Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications Business Management & Administration and Finance Hospitality and Tourism Information Technology Manufacturing Marketing Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
Graduation Endorsements / CTE Programs of Study STEM Endorsement STEM: Engineering, Electronics, Robotics & Automation Health Science Public Services Endorsement Education & Training Human Services related to Education Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Securities
Sample CTE Certifications Business & Industry Endorsement Microsoft Office Specialist Master Certification (MOS) Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT) ServeSafe Food Safety Certification American Welding Society (AWS ) Certification Cosmetology, Operator License CISCO Certified Network Associate (CCNA) STEM Endorsement Autodesk AutoCAD Public Services Endorsement Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certified Pharmacy Technician (CphT)
Endorsement Areas STEM BUSINESS & INDUSTRY PUBLIC SERVICE Science, Technology-including computer science, Engineering, and advanced Math. BUSINESS & INDUSTRY Information technology, database management, marketing, accounting, finance, graphic design, construction, welding, automotive technology, and agriculture. PUBLIC SERVICE Health science occupations, education, law enforcement, culinary arts and hospitality. ARTS AND HUMANITIES Political science, literature, world languages, cultural studies, history and fine arts. MULTIDISCIPLINARY This endorsement provides students the opportunity to take a variety of courses from each of the other four endorsements areas.
STEM This endorsement includes courses directly related to science, including environmental science, technology including computer science, engineering, and advanced mathematics.
BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY This endorsement includes courses directly related to data base management, information technology, communications, accounting, finance, marketing, graphic design, etc.
PUBLIC SERVICE This endorsement includes courses directly related to health sciences and occupations, education and training, law enforcement, and culinary arts and hospitality.
ARTS AND HUMANITIES This endorsement includes courses directly related to political science, world languages, cultural studies, English literature, history, and fine arts.
MULTIDISCIPLINARY This endorsement includes courses from the curriculum of each endorsement area and a variety of advanced courses from multiple content areas.
ENDORSEMENT PLAN CONSIDERATIONS College/University admission requirements Which science and math courses are required for admission and/or for a chosen major in college? Technology or Certification desired Which courses will prepare students for career choices, both core subjects and electives? Will students be able to complete all of the foundation credits with endorsement requirements?
STUDENTS ENTERING 9TH GRADE IN 2014-2015 Each student selects (in writing) an endorsement area and creates a Four-Year Plan. The student and their parents are advised of the components on the Foundation Plan. Students and parents must select and sign off on an endorsement area of their choosing. Endorsement plan selection may be changed.
*Inclusion on this list does not designate advanced grade points ADVANCED COURSES Klein ISD Advanced Course Offerings * (Courses satisfy the Foundation Graduation Plan Advanced Course Requirements) ELA, Math & Science *Inclusion on this list does not designate advanced grade points
DISTINGUISHED ACHIEVEMENT Requirements beyond Endorsement(s): A student in the top 10% of his/her class must have earned the Distinguished Level of Achievement to be eligible for automatic admission to a Texas public college or university. Requirements 26 Credits plus and Endorsement(s) and: 4 math credits must include Algebra II
PERFORMANCE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Performance acknowledgments may be earned for outstanding performance: In a Dual Credit course In Bilingualism and Biliteracy On an Advanced Placement test International Baccalaureate examination On the PSAT, ACT Plan, SAT, or ACT A student may also receive a performance acknowledgment for earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license.
COURSE SELECTION PROCESS Learn more about class options and endorsements Check for pre-requisites, fees, and required forms Determine your course selections Course selections entered into Gradespeed Turn in a completed course selection sheet signed by student and parent This Spring you will receive a verification sheet of your course selections. Check them carefully. Deadline to request changes is June 12, 2014.
KOHS Website www.http://kleinoak.kleinisd.net/ Announcements, Deadlines, College and Scholarship information, and other useful information, please visit our website at: www.http://kleinoak.kleinisd.net/