Writing Prompts 9/25/17 – 9/28/17
September 25 On September 25, 1513, Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean. What types of things do you think we still have to discover about the ocean?
September 26 On September 26, 1774, John Chapman was born. Later in life, he became better known as Johnny Appleseed. Johnny performed a “community service” as he traveled west spreading apple seeds. Write about some types of community service that you could possibly perform
September 27 On September 27, 1694 a hurricane hits Carlisle Bay Barbados. 27 British Ships were destroyed and 3,000 men died. Have you ever been in a hurricane? What does your family do to prepare for the storm?
September 28 On September 28, 1781 9,000 American and 7,000 French troops begin the siege of Yorktown. Why is teamwork and important aspect to understand and use?
September 29 Today is “Good Neighbor Day.” Make a list of everything you can do to be a good neighbor for those who live around you