Overview Prerequisite Customer Requested Reconnection process is design to reconnect the Temporary disconnected consumers who have done the payment of their existing dues. After completion of the case Consumer will become in service again. This case will be initiated by Executive Engineer, Sub-divisional officer and Junior Engineer of the concerning Reports available cm_0211 Prerequisite Service Point status should be disconnected to run this case on account. Account should not have dues more than the Security deposit SA amount. No TEMPDISC, UTILFORCEDPD, Disconnection case should be in open state.
Initiating Reconnection case Step1 : Search the account from the control center and click + go to case. Step2: Search for the Reconnection case or provide the CUSTREQRCON in case type field. Step3: Save the case.
Creating Reconnection charge Step 4: Click the Create Reconnection Charges button.
Creating Reconnection charge Step 5: Generate the Offcycle bill for Reconnection charges adjustment and click save button.
Creating Reconnection charge Step 6: Click the complete button to freeze the offcycle bill.
Initiating Field Activity Step 7: Go back to pending case of reconnection and click the Initiate FA button.
Field Activity Step 8: Go to the pending Field Activity from the case char or from the dashboard.
Field Activity Step 9: Click on + Go To FA Upload Staging and complete site detail.
Field Activity Step 10: After completing the FA go to case and click the Pending site Visit button to move case to next status.
Field Activity Step 11: Provide the Required values in case chars and click OK button.
Field Activity Step 12: Click Connect SP and Close the case button to change the SP point status to connect.
Field Activity Complete Case closed and SP status changed to in Service.
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