Results of corrective surgery: secondary lens implantation at a cataract surgery training centre Mehul Shah,shreya shah, adway appalware,pramod upadhyay, ashish gupta, abhilash singh rajput
Introduction objective Global Cataract Blindness Cataract Blindness in India Strategies to combat cataract blindness Training Human Resources Cataract Training centers objective To investigate the outcome of secondary intraocular lens implantation, to compare final visual outcome between different categories of surgeon and categories of Cataract to evaluate care provided by teaching hospital to patients with capsular complications. 22-02-2019
Material and Methods Results Design Inclusion Categorization of Trainee Categorization of Cataract Surgical technique Statistical Analysis\ Results Our cohort consisted of 359 eyes 231(64.3%) males and 128(35.7) females with mean age 60.2+/-10.2 range 88 Surgical intervention made significant difference in final visual outcome. (p=0.000) and category of trainee causing complication had significant difference for final visual outcome. (p=0.021) 22-02-2019
Table-1 Age and Sex distribution Total F M 0 TO 20 2 5 7 21 TO 40 1 4 41 TO 60 88 119 207 61 TO 80 37 99 136 61 TO 100 128 231 359 Table- 2 Comparison of visual acuity before and after surgical treatment. Post operative vision Pre operative vision Total <1/60 1/60 TO 3/60 6/60 TO 6/36 6/24 TO 6/18 8 3 11 13 20 1 45 21 56 28 106 6/12 TO 6/9 14 51 31 96 6/6 TO 6/5 6 50 44 101 62 180 114 359 P=0.000 22-02-2019
Table-3 Visual Outcome with different lens positions. POST OP VISUAL ACUITY Lens Position AC SULCUS Total <1/60 2 9 11 1/60 TO 3/60 4 41 45 6/24 TO 6/18 21 85 106 6/12 TO 6/9 10 86 96 6/6 TO 6/5 16 101 53 306 359 Table-4 Primary surgery and Final visual outcome P=0.021 Visual Outcome Primary Surgery Total NOT KNOWN PKE SICS <1/60 11 1/60 TO 3/60 2 6 37 45 6/24 TO 6/18 26 80 106 6/12 TO 6/9 3 31 62 96 6/6 TO 6/5 1 69 101 94 259 359 P=0.021 22-02-2019
Table-5 Visual outcome compared according trainee category Total <500 500-1000 >1000 NOT KNOWN <1/60 5 4 2 11 1/60 TO 3/60 26 8 3 45 6/24 TO 6/18 54 32 17 106 6/12 TO 6/9 52 19 96 6/6 TO 6/5 50 22 7 101 187 85 66 21 359 22-02-2019
Table-6 Visual outcome compared according to cataract category Vision Category Cataract category Total 1 2 3 NOT KNOWN <1/60 4 5 11 1/60 TO 3/60 28 13 45 6/24 TO 6/18 72 20 106 6/12 TO 6/9 67 10 8 96 6/6 TO 6/5 81 7 6 111 252 31 55 21 359 P=0.000 22-02-2019
Table- 7 Comparative study between secondary IOL done following Nucleus Drop and Posterior capsule rupture CATEGORY Total NUCLEUS DROP OTHER <1/60 1 10 11 1/60 TO 3/60 4 41 45 6/24 TO 6/18 5 101 106 6/12 TO 6/9 3 93 96 6/6 TO 6/5 97 17 342 359 P-0.68 22-02-2019
Lens position, Nucleus drop, did not make significant difference. Conclusions Surgical intervention has a significant effect on postoperative visual acuity. Trainee surgeon category , Cataract category , Primary Surgery made significant effect on final visual acuity Lens position, Nucleus drop, did not make significant difference. 22-02-2019
Thank you 22-02-2019