VIEWING COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ONLINE Go to Click on High School and Middle School Click on Registration Handbook Choose Course Descriptions The registration handbook is available on the Aitkin Public Schools website.
Click on High School & Middle School Aitkin Public Schools Home Page
Select Registration Handbook
If you get to the high school home page, click on Registration Handbook
Sample Course Description Number(s) you will use to enter your requests online. Only register for classes open to your grade! If the course you are registering for has a prerequisite, be sure you have taken that class(es) or have gotten instructor approval. If there is more than one course number, be sure to enter all numbers.
Registration Worksheet
When filling out your worksheet: Put Full Year courses on the same line all the way across. Put the Course Number and Course Name on your form, if a course has more than one number, write them all in. If you are substituting a class for a required class, please make a note on the form stating the reason for the substitution. Do NOT put Lunch as a class. Your lunch period will be determined by where you have an opening and will be scheduled for you.
Band/Choir Band and Choir will again be offered the same period. You can take band or choir or both. They will count as one year long elective.
Graduation Requirements 68 trimester credits* Total Credits Required for the CLASS of 2012: Language Arts~ 4 years English 9 – 3 trimester credits English 10 – 3 trimester credits English 11 – 3 trimester credits English trimester credit English electives – 2 trimester credits
Social Studies~ 4 years Western Civilization/World History – 3 trimester credits American History – 3 trimester credits World History – 3 trimester credits or 2 trimester credits in Human Geography plus 1 additional college social trimester credit Social 12 Series (Civics 12, Economics 12 & Sociology 12) or College Social courses (must include Economics & Government) - 3 trimester credits Mathematics~ 3 years 9 trimester credits. Must include: Algebra I -1 year - 3 trimester credits Geometry or Basic Geometry - 1 credit Statistics or Intro to Statistics – 1 credit Plus elective math credits to equal 3 years. See your Math teacher before you fill out your registration form to find out which math classes you should register for. NOTE: Colleges still recommend getting through at least Algebra II in high school, some colleges require it. Graduation Requirements, cont.
Science ~ 3 years Physical Science 9 – 3 trimester credits Biology – 3 trimester credits Science Electives – 3 trimester credits Physical Education/Health Physical Education 9/10 – 2 credits Health – 1 credit Fine Arts ~ 1 year 3 trimester credits Elective Credits 20 trimester credits Students must also pass the Minnesota Comprehensive tests in Math, Reading and Writing. Graduation Requirements, cont.
Concurrent Courses Concurrent courses are college courses taught in our school by our staff. Students may earn credit at UMD, Lake Superior College and Central Lakes Community College.
Concurrent Course Offerings: FULL YEAR COURSES: Chemistry Physics Algebra Calculus I /II Human Biology Pre-Calculus ONE-TRIMESTER COURSES Psychology Writing* Public Speaking* American Literature I* American Literature II* Economics** International Relations American Government** Human Geography*** (2 trimesters) **College Social courses: These courses may be taken instead of 12 th grade Civics and Economics *College English courses: These courses may be taken instead of English 12 if taking at least 2 trimesters of college English *** This course may be taken in place of 2 trimesters of World Cultures.
Concurrent Courses Requirements GPA 3.0 or greater Take the Accuplacer Exam and meet the appropriate cut-off scores College Math courses: You will need to meet the cut- off score in order to receive college credit. If you do not meet the cut-off score this Spring, you will have an opportunity to take the exam again next January. If you do not meet the cut-off score at that time, you will only receive High School credit for the class. 11th grade students who wish to take concurrent (college) courses must meet the following criteria:
Registering for courses in Infinite Campus The link for the Infinite Campus Student Portal is on the Aitkin schools website.
All students should have an Infinite Campus student portal account that will be used to register for classes. You used it to take a survey in the fall. If you do not remember your Password, see Sheri in the Principals office BEFORE online registration day!
Click on Registration: to see the request screen. Click on Course Search
Type in part of the course name OR the course number and press GO A list of courses will show up here. Click on the one you wish to request. You can read the course description here. Click on Request this Course OR Request as an Alternate. Do NOT type in both the Course Name and Course Number boxes. Choose one or the other.
Your requests and alternates will be listed on the left. If you need to drop a request, click on the course name in the list and choose Drop this Request.
When you are done with your requests, print a Request Summary Your request page will open in a.pdf file. This is the page you need to take home for a parent/guardian to sign. This form must be returned to the guidance office by: Friday, February 11 th To print, click on the printer icon and press OK on the next screen
Additional Information You must plan well for the entire year because courses you choose during spring registration will be FINAL. Certain electives will only be offered if there are sufficient students enrolled to warrant the formation of a class. Your registration form must be signed by a parent or guardian before you turn it in! Once your schedule has been finalized this Spring, there should be no need to change your schedule. However, if a situation should arise in which a schedule change is needed, you will need to obtain a DROP/ADD Form from the Guidance Office and get the signatures of both teachers, AND a parent or guardian signature, before the schedule change will be made.
REMINDER: When filling out your registration form, remember to put the course number AND description on your form. This will speed up the registration process. You must choose 3 Alternate elective classes and list them on your registration form. Do not use classes that have already been listed in your regular requests. If you do not choose alternates – we will do it for you. It is important you make your choices carefully and bring your completed registration worksheet with you when you register. Before school is out in June, Mrs. Doyle will meet individually with students to resolve any schedule conflicts.
PLEASE NOTE: It is YOUR responsibility to know what you need for graduation and to make sure that you are scheduled for those classes. Mrs. Doyle is here to help you with this process. You may make an appointment with her at any time to go over your transcript and schedule.
Reminder: Your signed registration printout must be returned to the Guidance Office by: Online Registration Date Friday, February 11 th Tuesday, February 8 th Students will be registering in the computer lab during Mrs. Bruckers class.
THANK YOU! If you have questions, see Mrs. Doyle before the registration deadline.