New Faculty Advising Workshop Presented by the Center for Academic Advising
Academic Advising at CCGA All CCGA students are assigned to a faculty advisor based on their declared major Learning Support students are advised by a Learning Support advisor Students in only one LS area AND in the exit course are referred to a faculty advisor for their major.
Registration Basics Early Registration is open from October 24 to November 18 Advisors should post office hours and sign up sheets for appointments on their door during these peak periods. Students (except for LS students) self-register using COAST after meeting with their advisor.
What is the Core Curriculum? The University System of Georgia (USG) uses a standard core curriculum to simplify transfer amongst institutions. The core is broken up into Areas A-F. If a student completes an area at one USG institution, the receiving institution must accept the area as complete as long as the student does not change his/her major.
Area A – Essential Skills – 9 hours ENGL 1101 – 3 hours ENGL 1102 – 3 hours Course selected from: MATH 1001 (3), MATH 1111 (3), MATH 1113 (4), MATH 1120 (4), or MATH 1121 (4) Students cannot receive credit for both Math 1101 and Math 1111 Science majors must take MATH 1113 (or MATH 1111 and MATH 1112) in Area A
Area B – Institutional Options – 4 hours COMM 1100 – Introduction to Communication Students choose a second course from CSCI 1201, any Foreign Language 1001, 1002, 2001, or 2002, GEOG 1101, GLOB 1001, POLS 2302, or SOCI 1101
Area C – Humanities/Fine Arts – 6 hours ENGL 2111 or ENGL 2112 A second course is selected from ARTS 1100, ARTS 2003, ARTS 2004, COMM 1110, ENGL 2111, ENGL 21112, any Foreign Language 1001, 1002, 2001, or 2002, MUSI 1100, PHIL 2004, PHIL 2005, or THEA 1100
Area D – Science & Math – 11 hours (Non-Science Majors) Choose two science courses from: ASTR 1010, ASTR 1020, BIOL 1107, BIOL 1108, BIOL 1120, BIOL 1140, CHEM 1100, CHEM 1151, CHEM 1152, CHEM 1211, CHEM 1212, GEOL 1121, GEOL 1122, PHYS 1011, PHYS 1111, or PHYS 1112 Choose one math course from: MATH 1112, MATH 1120, MATH 1121, MATH 1122, MATH 2110, or MATH 2112
Area D – Science & Math – 11 hours (Science Majors) Science majors take an advisor recommended two- course sequence chosen from: ASTR 1010/1020, BIOL 1107/1108, CHEM 1211/1212, GEOL 1121/1122, PHYS 1111/1112, or PHYS 2211/2212 Choose one math course from: MATH 1112, MATH 1120, MATH 1121, MATH 1122, MATH 2110, or MATH 2112 Students who have been required to take MATH 1113 in Area A may not take MATH 1112 in Area D. Extra hours from Areas A & D may be used in Area F.
Area E – Social Sciences – 12 hours POLS 1101 – satisfies GA/US Constitution HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 – satisfies GA/US History Choose 2 additional courses from: ANTH 1102, ECON 2105, ECON 2106, GEOG 1101, HIST 1001, HIST 1002, HIST 2111, HIST 2112, POLS 2302, PSYC 1101, SOCI 1101, or SOCI 1160
Area F – Areas of Concentration Area F consists of 18 hours of courses specific to the major and designed as prerequisites for upper level coursework. When students change majors, they must meet the requirements of the new Area F. Example: A student earns an AS (Teacher Education) and wishes to change major to Criminal Justice. The student must take 4 – 6 CRJU courses.
Area G – Physical Education – 2 hours Students must complete at least 2 hours of PE courses Many colleges and universities require more PE hours. If students are planning to transfer, they should check to see how many hours are required by the receiving institutions. Example: (AASU requires 3 hours, and Georgia Southern requires 4 hours (2 hours of health and 2 hours of activity courses))
Other Core Notes If a student changes his/her major from a non-science major to a science major, he/she will be required to take additional math and science courses in Area A & D if he/she does not meet the requirements (i.e. MATH 1113 and a science sequence) CCGA 1101 is a requirement for all new, degree- seeking students. Students should enroll in their first semester.
How to Read the Class Schedule A link to the Spring 2012 classes can be found on the CCGA website homepage Grayed out classes are closed sections Note: Check the assigned room to determine if the class is in Brunswick or Camden. Classrooms starting with CAM are located at the Camden Center
Moody Advising System (i.e. Geralds Program) Web Address: You will login using your Windows login and password System can be used to view classes, view transcripts, look up a student ID number, and advisement This website can only be accessed on campus
Q. What can I do with Geralds Program?
Offered Classes You can sort by clicking any of the blue headings If you click on the blue CRN #, you will see a class roster. Once you can see the class roster, you can click on a students ID number to see his/her program of study/ advisement sheet. From the class roster, you can also view pictures of each student if he/she has gotten a student ID card.
Find a Student Enter the students name (even a partial name) and the system will give you his/her ID number.
Advisement Enter student ID number, catalog the student entered (or declared major under), and major. You can also use this to show students where their classes will count if they change their major. The major that you select does not have to be the declared major in Banner/COAST.
Advisement A program of study is pulled for the major selected. At the top in red, you can see what CPCs, Learning Support, and US/GA Constitution and History requirements are still outstanding. Courses that the student is currently enrolled in or registered for are indicated. You can view the students current schedule by clicking on Current Schedule in the upper right hand corner.
Advisement At the bottom of the program of study, you will find transfer work, test scores, Regents Exam status, GPA, and space for advisor notes. Check for transfer classes that can fill core requirements but do not populate in the regular program of study areas. Students that have exited Learning Support must take the Regents Exam every semester until it is completed.
Advisement Each section on the program of study indicates how many hours are required. For example, in the first section all 3 courses must be taken to complete 9 hours. In the last section, students only need to choose 2 courses from the 11 listed. You can click on the blue plus sign to view course availability. If a blue plus sign is not available, the course is not offered during that semester.
COAST Student and Faculty Information
How to Remove a Web Registration Hold Select Faculty Services
How to Remove a Web Registration Hold Select Advisor Menu
How to Remove a Web Registration Hold Select Remove Web Registration Hold Select the term and enter the students ID number. Verify the students name and click submit to remove the hold.
Assisting Students with COAST Choose Student Records to get to the Registration menu
Assisting Students with COAST Select Registration Students should read and accept the Statement of Responsibility
Assisting Students with COAST Choose Add/Drop Classes The student can enter CRN #s to select classes.