Civil Disobedience Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Agenda Aim: What is the proper role of government in our lives? Do Now: What would you do if your government was doing something that you disagreed with? "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" AP Analysis Review Homework: Read LoC pg. 961-974, "On the Rainy River." Write 3 annotations and 3 critical questions. Bring the Analysis Essay Prompt (handout) to class tomorrow. Analysis Essay workshop on this prompt on Thursday. AP Argument Essay Review on Thursday. Binder check on Thursday.
“On the Duty of Civil Disobedience”
The Analysis Essay The student is presented with a passage and is asked to analyze the language of the passage, including rhetorical strategies and stylistic elements. The student has about forty (40) minutes to complete the essay.
Types of Analysis Questions Asked "Write an essay in which you analyze the rhetorical strategies…" "Write an essay in which you analyze how ______ crafts his _______." "Analyze the strategies _______ uses to characterize ________." "Write an essay in which you analyze how _______’s [essay] illustrates ________."
How to Read an Analysis Prompt Read the prompt carefully, underlining key terms in the prompt. (1-3 minutes). Read the passage, preferably twice (8-10 minutes). Two strategies: Read once closely, underlining important elements and making marginal notes, then reread a second time to make sure you understand the whole passage. Read once quickly to get the gist of the passage, then reread more slowly, underlining important elements and making marginal notes.
Writing the Analysis Essay a. Prewriting: Review the prompt again and choose the elements from the passage that respond to the prompt. b. Opening: Introduce the passage and set forth the purpose of the Analysis Essay: i. Author and Title. ii. A summary of the issue and the author's stance. iii. An announcement of what will be analyzed in this essay. c. Body: Present the actual analysis i. Use specific references and details from the passage. ii. Quotes or paraphrases are okay; quotes and paraphrases are better. d. Conclusion: Recap your analysis.