KU Leuven and ICT Anneleen Cosemans February
Learning platform Associatie KU Leuven
Learning technology team/center Toledo team, within the central IT office (University Administration and Central Services) o Maintenance and support of Toledo, the electronic learning environment for the university and Association KULeuven o 11 people Institute for Media and Learning, within Educational Policy o Technological innovation, introduction of new learning technologies o Maintenance of video/web conferencing, video streaming, weblectures facilities o 18 people
OpenCourseWare KU Leuven Facts & Figures Educational Project ( > KU Leuven) Courses online in Dutch / English Basic / Advanced / LLL Course Faculties involved Web lectures online Member of OCW Consortium in BE MOOC pilot (Literature and Change in Europe; Faculty of Arts) / 5 3 / 1 / 4 5 > 90 1 st 1
In the pipeline 1 new course to be published next week Improve the notion of study guides Remaining copyright issues
Considerations Interactivity : forums, self- and peer-evaluations? Support for faculty in development of the OERs for MOOCs and/or OCW Design teams instead of single teachers?
Involvement in MOOCs Discussion in Educational Council Plan to launch pilots of o representative courses on a visible MOOC platform o rich multimedia learning materials for students in secondary schools
Strategy for blended learning Report on e-learning at KU Leuven (2013) o Online survey and one-to-one interviews o Findings and recommendations