What About Those Characters? What types of characters are they?
Dynamic (Complex) Character A dynamic (complex) character is mainly the main characters. They usually have many different character traits about them. They are interesting, and they are the characters that you really connect with. Which characters in, “The Outsiders” do you think are Dynamic (complex) Characters? Explain your answer and include an example from the story.
Round Character A round character is a person that changes during the course of a story. Which character(s) in, “The Outsiders” do you think are round characters? Explain your answer and include an example from the story.
Static Character A static character is similar to a flat character, they never change and they aren't interesting. Which character(s) in, “The Outsiders” do you think are static/flat characters? Explain your answer and include an example from the story.
Let’s Review Character Types Dynamic (Complex) Static Round Flat 1.Tell your shoulder partner characteristics of each type of character 2. Discuss with your shoulder partner which types of characters listed above are similar 3. Give an example from, “The Outsiders” of these types of characters.
Flat and Round Characters Flat characters have only one or two sides to them Round characters have many sides.
Static and Dynamic Characters Static characters experience little or no change in the novel. Dynamic (complex) characters change, grow, or learn something throughout the novel.
Direct and Indirect Characterization Direct characterization is a method wherein the author tells the reader about a character. Indirect characterization requires the reader to make an inference about the character by examining: words of a character, a physical description of a character, the thoughts of a character, and the thoughts, actions and words of other characters.