Welcome! March 13th, 2016 Monday Do Now Find your seats. Write the date at the top of a new page in your journal. Once the bell rings, begin the freewrite. Prompt: Who is your favorite character of all time? Why is he/she/it your favorite?
“Five Characters in Search of an Exit” The Twilight Zone was a TV show from the 50s that dealt with creepy, horrific, and/or supernatural things. One of their most famous episodes, “Five Characters in Search of an Exit,” shows how powerful characterization can be when telling a story.
“Five Characters in Search of an Exit” As you watch, choose one character to follow. What traits does that character have? What in the episode shows you each character trait? In your notebook, write down your character’s name, three traits that they have, and how you know they have each trait.
Methods of showing characters Actions Dialogue Physical Description Objects/Possessions Reactions Thoughts Background Information
Practicing Characterization... For the rest of class, write about a character. It can be the character you wrote about at the beginning of class; It can be about a person you know in real life (not yourself); It can even be about one of the characters from the episode we just watched. You can write a story if you want, or you could write related/unrelated vignettes (small pieces of a larger story) that each involve the same character. Requirements: Write at least 20 sentences (about 1 page) Use at least three different techniques for revealing character (Actions, Dialogue, Physical Description, Objects/Possessions, Reactions, Thoughts, Background Information)