San Juan College Bookstore February 2010 Faculty Edition
Bookstore website p p Contains important information for faculty members from the bookstore. Textbook requisition website ?bookstore_id=6191
Access to this site is available to instructors, deans, and administrative assistants. Each class of users will have different options and functions. Usernames, passwords, and permissions are setup by the bookstore. If changes need to be made, please contact us directly at: Bea Ralf Florizel
Faculty will have the following options available after logging in. Requisitions Book Favorites My Account Help
The Requisition tab shows all requisitions that the user has created or submitted.
To create a new requisition simply click on the create requisition button.
Numerous options are now available but they well appear in a logical order. The first selection that will need to be made is the term. Generally three terms will be available at once. San Juan College New Mexico Highlands University of New Mexico
Click the drop down menu and select the correct term.
The departments will load after the term is selected.
The only departments that will load are the ones that are assigned to you. If a department is missing, please contact the bookstore so we can resolve this.
After selecting the department you will be making your requisition for, the courses available will load.
An option next to courses exists to create a new course. This can be used but triple check to make sure that the course does not already exist in the list. Creating new courses incorrectly will slow down the process and create triple the amount of work to delete, recreate and fix the added courses. If you are in doubt about the course please call first before adding. Generally the only courses that may need to be added would be a special topics class.
Selecting the course will now load all the sections that have been entered. The option to create a new section is available again. If adding a new section adhere to the guidelines and enter the section number exactly. 001 not 01 or 1. With upcoming federal changes to textbook laws and regulations it is extremely important to keep conformity with section numbers. Multiple sections can be checked at once All must use the same textbooks
Select the proper section number. When selected a check in the box will appear.
Select the lead instructor for the requisition you are creating. A new member may need to be added by using the create new instructor link.
Enter the number for the current section only. Sections this year are completely split and no longer will be grouped.
Some courses may have extra materials. Check a special instructions box and describe what needs to be done at the bookstore in the comments box.
All information is now entered for the proper term, department, course, and section. Are textbooks needed for this course? Click select textbooks. No text required? Click no textbooks required.
For a textbook requisition not needing any textbooks, the requisition is now complete. Clicking on the Requisition tab will return you to the home page and show the submitted requisition.
Several methods are available to find the textbook for a course. ISBN searches are the most accurate. Author/title may work for some books. Custom books or bundles will not show up. Course history Shows titles used previously for the course. Add a book For custom titles or for lab packets.
Direct results Will not show results if the number is incorrect.
Multiple listings will appear. May show that a new edition is available.
May display previously used textbooks. Will show bundles, packages, and lab packs.
For bundles, lab packages or titles that do not appear in the database. Be sure that the title you are looking for is the current edition. Faculty Center
Generally shows up to date information on current editions. Log in information is provided by the bookstore. Contact the bookstore directly for login information.
Through one of the various search methods select a textbook. Click the select this book link.
Usage Required Recommended Go to class first Will book be used next term? Yes No Quantity requested per section:
Need the latest edition of this book? Is this a bundle? Specify all materials that will be required for it. Assists for buyback. Special Instructions for this book
Click the save and add to this requisition button once finalized.
The added textbook will now appear on the right hand side of the page.
If additional textbooks are needed for the course, simply select the additional textbooks now. Search for the book or use course history. If no additional books are needed, click the review and submit button.
Review the requisition and make changes as needed. If complete click the save and submit this requisition. If you need more time, click the save this requisition button.
Clicking the save this requisition will allow you to save all progress and return later.
Once finished click the save and submit. The requisition will now submit to the coordinator. You will receive an notifying you of the submission.
For a textbook requisition needing textbooks, the requisition is now complete. Clicking on the Requisition tab will return you to the home page and show the submitted requisition.
After submission of your requisition you will receive an notifying you of the submission. Once approved by the coordinator you will receive an notifying you of approval. If denied by the coordinator you will receive an notifying you of the denial.
Used the same way as adding textbooks to a course but these will stay in your account.