How to Request Courses in the Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal Course Requests Februrary
Course Request and Registration Process Hopewell Valley High School Webpage The parent and student portals look the same Students logging in for first time use their student ID for user name and birthday for password. Parents need to click on the Infinite Campus Help Desk or call x2304. February 20-February 27
Course Request and Registration Process 1.Go to the Infinite Campus webpage 2.Click the Infinite Campus Portal Login
Course Request and Registration Process Log in using your Infinite Campus username and password. Contact the IC help desk if you have forgotten your password or need additional help. Students use student ID for user name and birth date for password (mmddyy)
Course Request and Registration Process Click on Registration: 12-13
Course Request and Registration Process You will see a list of Required Courses. These are courses that have been recommended for you by teachers. These courses may be adjusted when your child meets with his/her counselor.
Course Request and Registration Process You must request enough courses to fill a total of 8 periods for the school day. To request courses, click on Course Search.
Course Request and Registration Process Select Go
Course Request and Registration Process A list of courses will be displayed. Use the scroll bar to view the entire list.
Course Request and Registration Process Click the course name to view information about the course (including pre-requisites). Upon viewing the course information, you will be given the opportunity to request the course.
Course Request and Registration Process The course information will list course credits, grade levels, prerequisites, and a course description. Use the scroll bar to view all information.
Course Request and Registration Process If you want to request this course, select Request this Course. If you decide you arent interested in this course, use the top scroll bar to find another course to view.
Course Request and Registration Process After requesting a course, the course will appear under Requested Courses.
Course Request and Registration Process If you have requested a course and decide you no longer want that course, click on its name in the Requested Courses list. Once the course information is displayed, select Drop This Request. The course will no longer be displayed in your list of requested courses.
Course Request and Registration Process For each of your requested courses, you should also select an alternate course. Search for a course, click its name to view its information, then select Request as an Alternate. Once the request is successfully made, the course name will appear under Alternate Courses.
Credits and Graduation Requirements HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Subject H.S. Years Credits English 4 20 History 3 15 Mathematics 3 15 Science 3 15 Wellness 4 20 Visual /Performing Arts 1 5 World Languages 2 10 Practical Arts 1 5 Financial Literacy/Economics ½ 2.5 (beginning with the class of 2014)
Graduation Requirements Must pass the New Jersey High School Performance Assessment (HSPA) Must take the End of Course Biology assessment (beginning with the class of 2014) Meeting graduation requirements does not equate to college admissions requirements. Rising Seniors -- avoid senioritis. –Select challenging courses in senior year, colleges dont want you to slack off.
Choosing Courses There will be a course recommendation for each academic subject (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Languages) under Required Courses. If you think you are eligible for a course that doesnt appear on the list speak to your teacher to discuss if that option is right for you.
Choosing Courses When registering for electives in the fine and practical arts, graduation requirements include: – 5 credits in the fine arts (music, art, theater) –5 credits in practical arts (business, family and consumer sciences, tech, industrial arts). –2.5 credits in personal finance or American Economics beginning with the class of 2014
Choosing Courses Teachers can make one academic recommendation for each student. Want to take more – such as two science or math classes? Speak with your teacher who will let your counselor know. Remember to complete course requests between February 20 th and February 27th