Janet Forsyth Careers Adviser Marketing your PPLS and other skills and experience to graduate employers – at a job interview Janet Forsyth Careers Adviser Intro and welcome Find out which subject they’re from What we’ll cover …….
What we’ll cover….. Brief introduction to interviews – general and PPLS– specific Interview fears Opportunity to practice Conclusions and feedback Further support Interview Fears Exercise - Work in pairs – discuss fears – write on post-its; look at fears – say what will be covered; point to further resources for things not covered – will cover in blog
Preparation Basic Practicalities Research Practice Practicalities Relaxation techniques Smart and comfortable outfit Prepare copy of application / CV to remind you what you wrote Contact phone number for employer Know where you are going Allow plenty of time to get there Be polite to everyone! Research - About them: the role the organisation the sector Research - About you: your application your motivation your evidence Practice – as we will today: practice interviews at the Careers Service; get friends to ask Qs; practice articulating your answers
The interview Types of interview-formats Non-verbal communication and body language Your answers: advice Your questions: dos and don’ts Their questions (1): common questions, strength-based; Technical/vocational unexpected questions; hypothetical; ….. and degree-based and competency Qs…… Formats - 1-1, panel, telephone, videoed and recorded/skype – and assessment centres Non verbals – posture, tone, volume, fade, eye contact, mannerisms, smile Your Answers – hints and tips – Ask for clarification if necessary Pause and think - give yourself time to structure an answer Maximise your contribution Read the signs and don’t babble! Try giving the interviewer (and yourself) signposts Your Questions: No: Pay / Holidays Anything that you should have already read in the brochure or prospectus Yes: Chance to cover anything you feel has been missed Mentoring/Buddy system? CSR? How soon in front of clients? Professional/vocational qualifications? Contact with recent grad recruits? Predicting questions – read your application; look at feedback forms/ job boards such as wikijobs etc Common questions – Why are you interested in this job; why do you want to work for us? What can you bring to this job? What are your 5 key selling points? What are the challenges facing this industry Strength-based When are you at your best What energises you? What do you do well? When do you feel you are most like yourself? How can you capitalise on your strengths more
About your degree…. ‘when you consider your courses, don’t just think about the grades you achieved in the end, but the new skills you gained along the way.’ recent PPLS grad Why did you choose your degree subject /university? What value is the study of philosophy in the workplace? What have you gained from your degree that’s of value/interest to us? How is the study of philosophy relevant to our work? What skills have you developed from your studies that equip you to work with us? Important to follow advice of recent graduate, and also then to be able to make the connection to the type of work you are being interviewed for.
From recent philosophy grads…. ‘strong analytical and communication skills, understand formal structure of arguments and weigh up pros and cons , research skills, gather, sift and sort key information….’ grad 2009, Policy Officer ‘Logic skills (accountancy is much more about logic than maths. Balance sheets are just big logic puzzles)’ grad 2011, trainee accountant ‘Time management and self-discipline’ grad 2011, HR manager ‘think rationally and analytically…makes tackling big problems a lot easier.’ grad 2008, creative director
Some ideas for skills…… General skills: self-motivation and the capacity for independent study and thought; the ability to prioritise work and meet deadlines; flexibility and creativity; the ability to identify, absorb and sift complex information; team working; increased knowledge of IT. Other PPLS subjects.. Philosophy skills: analyse and construct sound arguments; distinguish fine differences between views and find common ground; present ideas convincingly through well- constructed, systematic arguments; write clearly and persuasively; generate ideas and come up with solutions to problems; be open to new ideas and ways of thinking. Use the link to look at the careers info and options sheets for the other PPLS subjects – point out the skills info here.
Skills / competency based questions Aim to elicit evidence of a certain skill Are based on the theory that past behaviour predicts future performance From your research you can predict the skills they will ask about Pick and prepare examples from a range of different experiences For example: Tell me about a time when you worked effectively in a team? What was your role? How did you contribute to the team’s success?
Using the STAR structure Situation – be specific and focused Task – outline the challenge presented Action – detail what YOU did Result – sum up positively Use this to structure your response to competency questions
Your turn…..! Interview pairs: In pairs Interviewer/observer Interviewee In pairs choose a job to focus on decide on 2 questions, one philosophy, one competency (related to role) give interviewee 2 minutes to structure answers interviewer ask questions; use checklist for observation give feedback (feedback sandwich) swap roles IN pairs - choose a job to focus on - decide on 2 questions, one from philosophy/PPLS, one competency (related to role) - give interviewee 2 minutes to structure answers - interviewer ask questions; use checklist for observation - give feedback (feedback sandwich) - swap roles
Summary Research Prepare Practice
Where to find additional Information Centre: RED Interview section Including interview feedback and takeaway booklets Making an Impact and First Impressions Count - DVDs online, plus others to view in the information centres Job Applications & Interviews – from Careers Service website Practice interviews with an adviser video practice via Careers MyEd channel Practice assessment centres Discussion with a careers adviser (20 mins - bookable on day) Attend talk on "Performing Well at Interviews" which runs in semesters 1 and 2 - see events section for details. Book a mock interview with a Careers Adviser. This usually lasts around 45 minutes and will include feedback on your performance and advice for further preparation. You will need to bring a copy of your application form or CV to Reception at least 2 days before the interview to allow the Adviser to prepare appropriate questions. Watch our DVDs (available to view in our information centres): Making an impact: the graduate job interview - also available online (Edinburgh Campus PCs only) How to crack case study interviews I like the sound of her Selection Success In One (Why ask me that?) Assessment Centre (chapter 5: the in-depth interview) - also available online (Edinburgh Campus PCs only) Also available online is First Impressions Count by the University of Bedfordshire. This video focuses on what to wear, body language, voice and how you come across. It also features interviews with graduate employers. Read the advice written by Careers Advisers specifically for Edinburgh students and graduates. This can be consulted below or in one of our booklets which are available to take away from the Careers Service. These booklets are also available in printed format as a PDF*: Successful Interviews and Telephone Interviews.