Point 8: A revision policy for the UOE data collection History ETS WG 6-7 September, 2006 Point 8: A revision policy for the UOE data collection History Proposal Aim Implementation When is a revision necessary? The UOE data production cycle and when revisions should be done ETS WG discussion points
Point 8: A revision policy for the UOE data collection History and further steps First discussion at ETS January 2006 meeting but lukewarm reception; Trend data collection and the need for defining a revision policy; Revised proposal more positively received by Task Force; Now more details and concrete proposals for implementation in doc. ETS-30-EN; UNESCO, OECD and Eurostat agree on need to define revision policy; To be discussed (and hopefully finalised) at the INES TG in December 2006; To be included in a legislative act covering the ‘UOE’ data collection in the future;
Point 8: A revision policy for the UOE data collection Proposal: Definition: An ex-post change in data which are publicly available or a change in underlying (not publicly available) data. Aim: - At any point in time to have the most up-to-date data available; - Over time to have consistent and coherent time-series.
Point 8: A revision policy for the UOE data collection Proposal: Implementation - The UOE revision policy should cover the whole of the UOE data collection (and not selected ‘indicator’ parts); The UOE revision policy should be implemented starting from the UOE2007 collection (given that the UOE2006 trend collection will provide revised data back in time if relevant); Mistakes ‘discovered’ beyond 2006/2007 in older data should be revised; Data providers and requesters should agree upon ‘rules’ in connection with major revision of methodologies; The general rule would be to indicate break in series and ‘bridge’ data.
Point 8: A revision policy for the UOE data collection When is a revision necessary? I When new/up-dated information is becoming available; II When mistakes have to be corrected; III When changes in the coverage of the data collection occur (example: re-allocation of ISCED programmes from one level to another without the programmes having changed in content); IV When changes in national or international methodology occur; No revisions are necessary when changes in the education system happen, - this is equal to a development at any point in time and should be reported from the date it takes place.
Point 8: A revision policy for the UOE data collection 4. The UOE data production cycle and when revisions should be done The aim is to identify the data production and the publication as distinct separate processes; Data in the production phase should be finalised in a dialogue between data providers and requesters, - at present a long process which, for many countries, require more up-dates of data; Data are only marked as revised if they have been published and the revision mark will last a data cycle; Practical considerations could lead to establishing a rule of revisions being done during autumn at the same time as new UOE data are provided to data requesters;
Point 8: A revision policy for the UOE data collection 5. ETS WG discussion points Do the ETS Working Group members agree with the proposal? Suggested modifications/improvements to the proposal? Which practical constraints would prevent the proposal to be implemented at national level?