ISCED levels 5 and 6 and the Bologna process ETS WG 24-25/92007 Point 11.1 of the agenda: ISCED levels 5 and 6 and the Bologna process Background: Bologna process, 46 signatory countries Common structure of higher education systems across Europe: two main cycles: undergraduate and graduate (covering ISCD 5A and 6) London communiqué: good progress in removing structural barriers between cycles
ISCED levels 5 and 6 and the Bologna process ETS WG 24-25/92007 Point 11.1 of the agenda: ISCED levels 5 and 6 and the Bologna process UOE BaMa collection (5A graduates): Since 2005 Many countries already know placement of BaMa graduations - To be studied in more detail
ISCED levels 5 and 6 and the Bologna process ETS WG 24-25/92007 Point 11.1 of the agenda: ISCED levels 5 and 6 and the Bologna process What about ISCED level 5B? - University level but no access to ISCED level 6, ‘labour market destination’ Half of countries; ISCED 5B makes up a significant proportion of ISCED 5 graduates - Not part of Bologna structure
ISCED levels 5 and 6 and the Bologna process ETS WG 24-25/92007 Point 11.1 of the agenda: ISCED levels 5 and 6 and the Bologna process The UOE data collection GRAD tables request lots of information on graduation patterns, taking into account: - no. of graduations within each ISCED level (first degree, second degree and further degrees) - length of first degree, second degrees etc (GRAD4) -> on the one hand information already collected, - on the other hand would be more simple if the same structure would be implemented
ISCED levels 5 and 6 and the Bologna process ETS WG 24-25/92007 Point 11.1 of the agenda: ISCED levels 5 and 6 and the Bologna process Further work and discussion points More analysis needed (also ISCED level 4 to be included) Should ISCED levels 5A and 5B reflect undergraduate/graduate structure (criteria: length of study)? What about present ISCED 5B? What would be the timeframe of a possible modification/revision to ISCED?