Chapter Opener 5
Figure 5.1 Skin structure.
Figure 5.2 The main structural features of the skin epidermis.
Figure 5.2a The main structural features of the skin epidermis.
Figure 5.2b The main structural features of the skin epidermis.
Figure 5.3 Light micrograph of the dermis identifying the papillary layer composed of areolar connective tissue and the reticular layer of dense irregular connective tissue (110x).
Figure 5.4 Dermal modifications result in characteristic skin markings.
Figure 5.4a Dermal modifications result in characteristic skin markings.
Figure 5.4b Dermal modifications result in characteristic skin markings.
Figure 5.4c Dermal modifications result in characteristic skin markings.
Figure 5.5 Skin appendages: Structure of a hair and hair follicle.
Figure 5.5a Skin appendages: Structure of a hair and hair follicle.
Figure 5.5b Skin appendages: Structure of a hair and hair follicle.
Figure 5.5c Skin appendages: Structure of a hair and hair follicle.
Figure 5.5d Skin appendages: Structure of a hair and hair follicle.
Figure 5.6 Skin appendages: Structure of a nail.
Figure 5.7 Skin appendages: Cutaneous glands.
Figure 5.7a Skin appendages: Cutaneous glands.
Figure 5.7b Skin appendages: Cutaneous glands.
Figure 5.8 Photographs of skin cancers.
Figure 5.9 Estimating the extent and severity of burns using the rule of nines.
Figure 5.10 Partial thickness and full thickness burns.
System Connections 5.1