The Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams
“This play is Memory” As we begin reading Scenes I and II of the play, keep this very important quote from the play in mind. (Hint: it is part of the central theme) You may either annotate in your books (if you own your own copy) or you may complete a Dialectical Journal Log.
Dialectical Journal Logs
Creative writing assignment On a sheet of paper, make a list of 5 significant memories. This assignment typically works best if you focus on “good” memories, and not “bad” ones. Now look at your list; Narrow down your list to one memory that holds a special significance to you. Your assignment will be to write a memoir essay centered on the memory you chose. (Similar to Tom’s dialogue)
Creative writing assignment This must include: Details and imagery to set the scene for your reader. The choice of being told in chronological order or in flashback. Description of characters’ personalities and characteristics. Balance between thought and action. Something to show the reader why the memory is important. This will be due Friday, September 9. It is worth 50 points.