SMART CHARTS Class III Chapter 13
A table is used to get all Fruits Number of fruits Look at the different fruits and complete the table. 8 12 6 A table is used to get all the information in one place. 10
. How many time do you get 6 ? … 4 3 . .. . . … … .. … Have you played any games with dice? How many dots are there on the different faces of a die? Now we will play a different type of game with dice. Here are the game rules:- * Throw a die. * Look at the number of dots you get on the face of your die. * For each throw draw a mark / in front of that number in the table. * Throw the die 10 times and mark in the table each time. Face of the die Number of times Total Number . . / 1 .. … // / 3 Which face of the die appeared the most number of times ? . . 4 //// 4 … .. … 3 How many times did come up ? … // 2
2 7 3 1 Vishal and Divya bought the following things :- 6 books, 2umberllas , 7 pencils, 3 combs, 1scissors. Prepare a table accordingly. Items Numbers 6 2 7 3 1 Answer the following questions. Pencils ----------are the most in number. How many? . _______ 7 Scissors b)----------- is the least in number. How many? ------------. 1 Books c)------------ are purchased more than ------------- combs d) The number of books is less than the number of -------- pencils
How long is your pencil ? Tintu Rima less Riya, Rajan, Tintu, Abhi and Rima measured the length of their pencil using waste paper strips having same width. They wrote their name on their strips. They stuck their strips as shown. Look at the chart and fill in the blanks: _____ has the longest pencil. ______ has the shortest pencil. The length of Riya’s pencil is _______ than Rajan’s pencil. (more/less) Tintu Rima less Length of pencil 8Cm 10 C m 12 C m 9Cm 5Cm Riya Rajan Tintu Abhi Rima
Getting Smart with Charts Attendance Board Date 22/12/2012 Class Number of students Present Absent Class I 27 25 2 Class II 23 22 1 Class III 24 21 3 Cass IV 18 4 Class V Total This board shows the number of students in each class. It also shows the number of students present and absent. How many children in all are there in the school? __________ How many children in all are absent on that day? ________ 121 12 121 109 12
Getting Smart with Charts Attendance Board Date 22/12/2012 Class Number of students Present Absent Class I 27 25 2 Class II 23 22 1 Class III 24 21 3 Cass IV 18 4 Class V Total 121 109 12 Let us see how to prepare a chart to show the number of absent students. Each absent student is shown by Number of Students Absent Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V
WORK SHEET Date________ Month________ 1. The table given below shows the number of absentees in class III in a week. Represent the same in the form of a bar chart: (1 cm = 1 student) Days No of students Absent Mon 4 Tue 3 Wed 8 Thurs 9 Fri 5 Sat 10 No of students Absent Mon Tuesday Wed Thursday Fri Sat Teacher’s Signature Parent’s Signature
Math Lab Activities . Make a pictograph of fruits liked by the members of their family. Group Projects. Count the number of vehicles passed through the school junction in 5 minutes and record it in the form of a table. 2. Preparing smart charts for the data given and explaining the same to the class mates.
Thank You Prepared by Mrs. Sujatha Subhash Mrs. Sheena.T.K. Kendriya vidyalaya, Kalpetta