Open Systems reference architectures, standards & platforms Challenge 7 Open Systems reference architectures, standards & platforms Nick Batey European Commission, DG Information Society and Media E-Inclusion Unit (H3)
Open Systems Reference Architectures, Standards and Platforms Target Users: People with Age-related impairments at Home, on the Move, at Work Objectives: Develop an open standards-based approach for integrating independent living and active ageing solutions Building on and extending existing standards and middleware New architectures, standards and guidelines where needed
Open Systems Reference Architectures, Standards and Platforms Key research issues: Seamless integration of required components and services (@home, on the move) Self-configuration and minimal maintenance solutions Ontologies for automated sensor data collection Reliable and trusted systems, privacy
Open Systems Reference Architectures, Standards and Platforms Target outcomes: Cost-effective and trusted multi-vendor solutions through a set of open standards and application platforms Seamless and reliable system integration of devices and services into the home, on the move or at work Essential Elements: Industrial Participation Integrated Projects only
Funding Schemes and Budgets Target Indicative Budget Funding Scheme Prototypes for independent living/active ageing 27 M€ CP Open Systems, Ref. Architectures, Home Platforms CP: IP Only RTD roadmaps, Soc. Econ research 3 M€ CSA Standards setting, Int. cooperation with US, Japan