Unseen Analysis – Magazine Revision Quiz
1. How many marks is it worth? 20
2. How long do we have? 1 hr 30 mins in total: 30 minutes treatment time to take notes 1 hour to use the notes to write the essay
3. Which 2 Key Aspects must you analyse? Categories Language
4. How many categories are we required to analyse to pass? 2
5. Which Categories do we want to cover in Unseen Analysis Medium Form Genre Purpose Tone
6. What do we cover in Language Technical Codes Cultural Codes Anchorage And their connotations
7. Which two ways can we structure our response? A section on Categories then a section on Language Use the Categories we will write about as a framework and integrate media language (t & c codes and anchorage) where appropriate.
8. Who is the target audience for such a magazine? Demographic – 18-35 yr old males Socio-economic – A to C1 group Psychographic - Serious fans of the sport/ thrill seekers/ adrenaline junkies
9. What is the medium of the text? Print
10. How do we know this? Words and images on a page
11. What is the form of the text? Magazine front cover
12. How do we know this Skyline Masthead Main image Main coverline Coverlines Barcode line Puffs Dateline A4 size
13. Which genre will the magazine be in Consumer magazine Special interest (extreme sport)
14. How will we know it is a consumer magazine USPs Puffs Bright Colours Glossy paper quality Informal Tone
15. How will we know it is special interest? Single activity in main image All of the enigmas created are about the one activity Jargon/technical language
16. What is the mode of address Conversational (assumes a high degree of knowledge of the activity in its readership)
17. Which tones are created? Informal Exciting/thrilling/dangerous…
18. How is an informal tone created? Sans serif font Abbreviations Slang/colloquial terms/Contractions
19. Why would an informal tone appeal to the target audience Has connotations of youth, modernity, freshness, edginess that are how they want feel/be thought of.
20. How is an exciting/dangerous tone created through cultural codes? Scenery/setting Rough terrain Steep cliffs Jaggy rocks Angle Suggestion of speed
21. Which technical codes can help create exciting/dangerous tone? Long camera shot
22. What cultural codes could connote speed? Angle Dust coming up Blurred background Concentrated expression
23. Which technical codes help to convey speed? Low/ground level camera angle
24. What is the main purpose of a magazine front cover? To persuade (target audience to buy it)
25. What other purposes could it have To inform To persuade To profit
26. What are the informative elements Coverlines Price Date/issue
27. What are the persuasive features ? U.S.Ps (Unique selling propositions) Puffs Exclusives Enigmas Aspirational model
28. How is persuasive information prioritised Puffs Skyline Contrasting colours Caps Font type/size
29. Which cultural/technical codes should I comment on in relation to the model? Expensive/latest equipment Colour of outfit same as masthead Physical condition Lighting source/what it lights up Facial expression Skills/competence Attitude Size in image Text wrapped around him Overlaps other features
30. What possible examples of polysemy are there He is about to crash/fall off He is struggling He is last in a race He is lost
31. What anchors the preferred reading Facial expression Body position/posture
32. How is it marked? 10 marks for Categories 10 marks for language So I must cover both as fully as possible
Good Luck