Types Cycle Aging Dating Rocks 100 200 300 400 500
What are the three types of rocks? 1.1
Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic
How would a glassy igneous rock form? 1.2
Quick cooling / extrusive
What determines the grain size of an igneous rock? 1.3
The slower the rock took to cool, the coarser (larger) the grain.
What kind of rock is made from solutions of dissolved minerals in water? 1.4
Chemical Sedimentary
What are the two classifications for metamorphic rock? 1.5
non-foliated (no folds) foliated and non-foliated (no folds)
What is the process by which sediment is dropped and comes to rest? 2.1
deposition deposition
What is needed to form metamorphic rock? 2.2
heat and pressure
How are igneous rocks formed? 2.3
by magma cooling and crystallizing
What is the first step to becoming a sedimentary rock? 2.4
List, in order, four steps to forming sedimentary rock 2.5
uplift and exposure, weathering, erosion (transportation), deposition, compaction, cementation, (lithification)
What is the term for when the order of geologic events has been established, but no exact date has been determined? 3.1
Relative Date
Sequence B, G, E, and F from oldest to youngest. 3.2 G, B, E, F Sequence B, G, E, and F from oldest to youngest.
G, B, E, F
What are cross-cutting relationships? 3.3
an intrusion or fault is younger than the rock it cuts through
Describe uniformitarianism. 3.4
the processes we observe today are the same processes that happened millions or billions of years ago
List 3 of the 5 geological “rules” or principles used to place geologic events in order. 3.5
original horizonality, inclusions, cross-cutting relationships, superposition, original horizonality, inclusions, cross-cutting relationships, uniformitarianism
What is the term used when the exact age of a rock has been determined? 4.1
Absolute Age
Measuring the age of an object based upon the ratio of parent isotope to daughter decay product is? 4.2
Radiometric Dating
What is half-life? 4.3
The amount of time it takes for half of the radioactive material in an object to decay into the next stage
If a sample started out with 60 radioactive isotopes, how many radioactive and how many stable daughter atoms would be present after 2 half-lives? 4.4
15 radioactive 45 stable daughter atoms
In what type of rock would you most likely find fossils? 4.5
What type of rock is sandstone? 5.1
What is the classification of limestone (both the type and its subtype)? 5.2
organic sedimentary
What rock does granite metamorph into? 5.3
What rock does marble come from? 5.4
What are the three processes that form metamorphic rocks? contact, ? and ? 5.5
contact, hydrothermal, and regional