Nutrition 1 Online IVC Health and Nutrition Program Instructor: Dr. Simon Davies
Course Overview Course Content Course Goals Skills & Scholarship Required Texts Grade Requirements Grade Policies
Overview: Course Goals The goal for you, the student, is to understand the effect of what you eat on your health. You will be able to make educated nutritional purchases, decipher commercial labeling, and evaluate nutritional fads/diets. You will also gain insights into your own nutritional profile and understand how to make healthy changes. You will be expected to work through all the assignments, readings, chapter tests, and lecture PowerPoint quizzes, according to the given schedule.
Overview: Skills & Scholarship This course is designed to challenge your critical evaluation and understanding of fundamental nutritional principles. You will be expected to use the assignments and readings in order to develop your assessment and understanding of current nutritional thinking. The assignments will include a nutritional evaluation, chapter tests, lecture quizzes, restaurant visit, cholesterol test, and a final project.
Overview: Texts Thompson, J., & Manore, M. Nutrition: An Applied Approach. (3rd Edition) Publisher: Pearson: Benjamin Cummings The above-listed text is available (in paperback form) in the IVC Bookstore. You also should be able to order it over the web, or find it at any full-service retail bookstore. You are responsible for information gained in the assigned readings. NOTE: Any additional assigned readings will be placed on the course blackboard. Make sure you have the textbook that includes access to the dietary food analysis program (online or CD- ROM, but NOT the option requiring a course code).
Overview: Grade Requirements & Policies Course Requirements Individual Points Total Points 16 Chapter Tests including one test on all 15 in depth sections) Tests on PowerPoint Lectures 1020 Final Project 2525 Visit to Vegan Restaurant 6 6 Cholesterol Test and Blood-Type Points Total Points Available 102 Points Grading Policy and AssignmentsScale: A80-89 B C D C D 0-59 F W or WF 0-59 F W or WF Please remember that an instructor does not GIVE grades, but RECORDS your efforts!
Course Overview Orientation Complete ………. You may now view the following orientations: Blackboard Navigation and Communication Chapter Tests and Quizzes Restaurant Visit Cholesterol & Blood-Type Final Project See YOU there!