KING’S ARGUMENT Democratic Politicians Spend Too Much Time Campaigning Can’t Make Difficult Decisions Focus On Symbolic Issues
PLATO’S ARGUMENT Democracy Rejects Expertise Rewards Style Permits Too Much Freedom Leads To Tyranny
REJECTS EXPERTISE Analogy of the Ship
REWARDS STYLE “If a pastry baker and a doctor had to compete in front of children--or in front of men just as foolish as children--to determine which of them had expert knowledge of good food and bad, the doctor would die of starvation.”
TOO MUCH FREEDOM “The democrat lives each day welcoming the desire that falls on him, at one time getting drunk, at another drinking only water and restraining himself, then doing gymnastics and again being idle and careless of everything. Often he is active in the city's affairs and jumping he says and does what he chances on.”
LEADS TO TYRANNY Excess Freedom Can Mean Reluctance To Control Dangerous Individuals First Act Of Tyrant: Kill An Opponent Execution Of Socrates
TOO MUCH DEMOCRACY? Rule Of The People Or Rule Of The Rich?