This is my Life 202385493
Unit 5 – Inspired by: Following extensive research for unit 5, I found an art movement, which suits both my personality and also allows me to develop my fine art skills. Fauvism – A French word meaning “wild beast”. Fauvism is a style of paintings that is expressive in nature and not representational with an exaggerated colour palette; a style that allows me freedom of imagination. Critics of Fauvism called the pieces wild and garish, due to their lack of structure, unrealistic colour and form. However, I really connect with this style of painting because I feel each piece and the colours incorporated, bring emotional meaning.
Fauvism - This art movement was founded by Henri Matisse and Andre Derain, in the early twentieth century in France. Andre Derain (1905) Self-portrait (2018)
Henri Matisse (1905) Juvairiyya Patel (2018)
FMP – My Cultural Biography When researching and thinking about a theme for my FMP I had a eureka moment. What is my biggest interest, what do I love the most….ME So what do I want to share? My health concerns and how they present…how private are they to me? There are some differences that my health concerns bring to my everyday life. Some are obvious. Some you can see: my wheelchair, my visual impairment, being a sign language user, maybe even my tracheostomy and my ventilator. So do I want to share my whole story of how and when these differences occur and do I really want to show my whole life or maybe just parts of my life that I choose to share? How do I present this story of mine? Does disabled mean gloomy? Not for me. I want to use bright colours that depict my culture, my family and my life.
Artist Research I had a quite complicated and contextual list of research topics, which included: Artists with disabilities; Muslim Artists; Biographical artists. Alongside this, I wanted to improve and explore my own and other painting styles and movements, such as: Fauvism; Expressionism.
The Singh Twins (2018) John Lessore (1994-1997)
Exploring and expanding on the differing ideologies and movements I researched, I painted some images from primary source photos. These images link to my health biography, Fauvism and also the religious belief that displaying eyes in pictures is offensive, as it is copying Allah’s creation.
Thank you for watching my presentation and for the invaluable feedback.
Bibliography Freeman, J. (1995) Fauves London: Thomas & Hudson Ltd Lessore, J. (1994-1997) Drawing, Sitting and Standing[Online] Available at: (Accessed on 17/01/18) Matisse, H. (1905) Green Stripe cited in Walton, J. (2002) Henri Matisse. Franklin Watts. London Matisse, H. (1905), portrait of Albert Marquet, cited in Watson, J (2002) ‘HENRI Matisse’ Franklin watts, London . Singh twins (2017) Ancient roots. The wonder that was India. In the slases of fashion series walker gallery (2018) Liverpool. Singh Twins (2018) PHULKARI: Craft and Conflict. Slaves of Fashion [Exhibition] Liverpool: Walker Art Gallery