Physics Chemistry Biology
Broad General Education until end of S3 finishing Level 4 outcomes and working towards National levels 4 and 5 In S4, National 4 and 5 outcomes will be covered until a decision can be made as to the appropriate level of presentation for each pupil.
Dynamics and Space Electricity and Energy Waves and Radiation
Chemical Changes and Structure Chemistry in Society Nature's Chemistry
Cell Biology Multicellular organisms Life on Earth
All sciences have the same assessments at the levels: National 3 – pass/fail National 4 – pass/fail National 5 – Graded A-D
Activity 1:a scientific report of an experiment or practical investigation Activity 2: a short report of a research investigation Activity 3: 3 sets of questions on key areas and problem solving
Activity 1:a scientific report of an experiment or practical investigation Activity 2: a short report of a research investigation Activity 3: 3 sets of questions on key areas and problem solving Added Value Unit – a research project completed under exam conditions and assessed internally as a pass or fail
Activity 1:a scientific report of an experiment or practical investigation Activity 2: a short report of a research investigation Activity 3: 3 sets of questions on key areas and problem solving
Course question paper - 80 marks This covers knowledge and understanding and problem solving of the key areas within the 3units. SQA Exam Course assignment - 20 marks A research project written up under exam conditions and sent away for assessment by the SQA
Prelim in December for those deemed N5 or possibly N5 Achievement of less that 40% in this exam would mean pupils would be unlikely to be successful at N5 and so a presentation level of N4 would be more appropriate
Success (pass) at National 4 would see possible entry to National 5 in that subject or National 4 in another science Success (A-C) at National 5 will allow entry to CfE Higher in that science Where a pupil has achieved a C pass at National 5 it may be more appropriate that the pupil study the CfE Higher over 2 years.
Individual approach by departments within faculty Homework tasks will reflect the assessment strategies employed by the SQA
Paper materials from school Suggested websites Textbooks Revision guides Practice papers
Physics – Monday and Tuesday Chemistry – Monday and Tuesday Biology – Monday and Thursday
Physics – May 22 nd 2014 Chemistry – May 12 th 2014 Biology – May 16 th 2014