TABLE 14-1 Dominant-Strategy Equilibrium: A Simple Browning & Zupan’s Microeconomics: Theory & Applications, 7e Chapter 14, Table 14-01 TABLE 14-1 Dominant-Strategy Equilibrium: A Simple Oligopoly Game
TABLE 14-2 Another Oligopoly Game Browning & Zupan’s Microeconomics: Theory & Applications, 7e Chapter 14, Table 14-02 TABLE 14-2 Another Oligopoly Game
TABLE 14-3 The Prisoner’s Dilemma Browning & Zupan’s Microeconomics: Theory & Applications, 7e Chapter 14, Table 14-03 TABLE 14-3 The Prisoner’s Dilemma
TABLE 14-4 Cheating in a Cartel Browning & Zupan’s Microeconomics: Theory & Applications, 7e Chapter 14, Table 14-04 TABLE 14-4 Cheating in a Cartel
TABLE 14-5 Beating the System Browning & Zupan’s Microeconomics: Theory & Applications, 7e Chapter 14, Table 14-05 TABLE 14-5 Beating the System
FIGURE 14-1 Advertising and the Firm’s Demand Curve Browning & Zupan’s Microeconomics: Theory & Applications, 7e Chapter 14, Figure 14-01 FIGURE 14-1 Advertising and the Firm’s Demand Curve