G GEOGRAPHY The study of the Earth’s surface, climates, and countries. Locations (continents, kingdoms, countries, cities) Climate/Weather Environment Landforms (mountains, rivers, oceans, deserts, valleys, canyons, plains, lakes, etc.) Natural resources (agricultural, food, building materials, metals, water, etc.)
R RELIGION Belief in one or more gods and rules/traditions related to that. Name(s) of god or gods Worship Belief systems/Beliefs Sacred Texts Traditions/Rules Important figures
A ACHIEVEMENT Something important or difficult that was done successfully. Architecture Discoveries (medicine, science, etc.) Inventions Art, Music, Literature Technology (transportation and communication)
P POLITICAL Ideas and activities relating to government and power. Rulers/Leaders Government (Monarchy, Oligarchy, Aristocracy, Dictatorship, Democracy, Republic) Laws Wars/Military Territories/Empires Expansion/Decline
E ECONOMIC The study of the production and trade of goods and money. Goods/Products (stuff) Production/Industry (making stuff) Taxes
S SOCIETY The organization of people and the way they live. Classes Who is most important? Families Relationships What is life like? What do people do?