Welcome to... Hillsborough Squares A Game of X’s and O’s
Another Presentation © 2000 - All rights Reserved Mark E. Damon markedamon@hotmail.com
Ivana Winn Dewey Cheatum Seymour Money Sand E. Beaches Ima B. Utiful 1 2 3 Ivana Winn Dewey Cheatum Seymour Money Sand E. Beaches Ima B. Utiful Lee V. Mediately Craven Sumfood Anita Hugginkiss Starring: Phil R. Up 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 X 4 5 6 O 7 8 9 Scoreboard Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins
1 ______ is a piece of rock or metal that has entered the Earth’s atmosphere.
1 Meteor Home
___ ___ are like asteroids in that they are both rocky and dense. 2 ___ ___ are like asteroids in that they are both rocky and dense.
2 Inner Planets Home
____ are similar to planets because they both orbit the sun. 3 ____ are similar to planets because they both orbit the sun.
3 Comets Home
4 Due to ____ _____, many scientific developments such as disease research, lasers, and pacemakers have benefited Medical Care on Earth.
4 space exploration Home
5 Mechanics often use lubricants such as oil to ______ friction on machine parts.
5 reduce Home
6 Alabama is home to a very famous female astronaut named Mae Jemison who was the first _______ _______ _______ _______.
African- American female astronaut 6 African- American female astronaut Home
7 The sun’s rays are more direct at the _______ than at the poles. Therefore, the equator will be warmer in temperature than the poles.
7 equator Home
8 ________ is a force that can stop a bicycle when the rider applies the brakes.
8 Friction Home
9 An object that orbits another object in space is referred to as a ______ ______.
9 scientific satellite Home