STEM Workshop October 10th, 2013 Prep: Have tables grouped and Identified by building teams (use clear table-topers with school labels)
Introducing Your Ring Leaders: Doug Dowell STEM Coordinator Central Kitsap SD Karen Lippy Science Professional Development Specialist OESD 114 Science Education Jeff Friers Elementary STEM Specialist
House Keeping District Sign-In Clock Hour Sign-In Restrooms & Breaks
Schedule for Today AM PM Welcome, Introductions, House keeping Goals/Objectives Grant Overview, Mechanics, and Expectations Project Design Rubric Study Helpful Resources 11:00 ish Lunch on your own PM Team Planning Time 1:30 PM Team Reflection & Communication Activity 3:30 Elvis has left the building !
Today’s Goals/Objectives: Gain a better understanding of our STEM Grant and how to access it. Assess your CC work using a Project Design Rubric. Identify areas of strength & improvement in your plan. Expand your list of PBL RESOURCES. Develop and refine your PLAN for the year. Today’s Goals/Objectives: Lofty & Many * Unwritten goal: Have FUN along the way !!!
Random, but Important Notes: CKSD STEM Website: PBL = Problem/Project-Based Learning. Today’s workshop is really PBL in action. Your challenge will be to implement some cross content, integrated problem-based projects with your students in your existing context.
DoDEA STEM Grant Overview: 3- year, 2.5 million dollar grant awarded in June 2012 Develop and Support Cross-Content STEM teams at each secondary site (7 sites) Years 1,2,3 ACE: Provide Flight Simulator Classrooms, curriculum, equipment, and PD for teachers Support afterschool and summer STEM opportunities Support elementary STEM education Support a District STEM Coordinator and an Elementary STEM Specialist (yrs. 2 & 3)
Cohort #1 (SY 2013-14) Budget Considerations $$$ Total Team Budget: $ 3,000 per building team for CC STEM work ____________________________________________ Release Day Cost: Full day ≈ $120 per teacher Half day ≈ $60 per teacher Hourly pay: For time spent after-hours on CC STEM work @ per diem rate ≈ $46 (varies based on salary)
Calendar Considerations Plan out at least your next Cohort #1 team meeting today. As part of the DoDEA Grant requirements, we will solicit updates from your team during the year. There will be a day in late May (TBD) when we will all gather again here at the OESD. The purpose of the Spring Workshop will be to formally present your work to the other teams and plan for next year (14-15).
STEM Notebook Review & File Key documents > If and when updated versions are sent to you, please remove the old and replace with the new. Pass out documents one at a time Have T. read each one silently Debrief each and address any questions Have them file under the appropriate Tab
Break Time 10 min. of Freedom!
Project Analysis Section
-- Repeat pattern in sequence around the table -- First Turn/ Last Turn Individually: read through the Project Design Rubric, highlight points that best describe your team’s project As a Group: 1) First speaker describes what they highlighted in the first section of the Rubric but does NOT comment on it First Turn 2) Moving to the right, each group member in turn comments on their highlighted items in that same section & explains their thinking. No Cross-Talk during this time, just quality listening. Your Turn 3) The initiating person then shares his or her thinking about the item and gets the: Last Turn -- Repeat pattern in sequence around the table -- Groups at Work – Copyright MiraVia LLC – All rights reserved
First Turn/ Last Turn Reflection How is this strategy a scaffold for dialogue? How might this strategy contribute to group development? Groups at Work – Copyright MiraVia LLC – All rights reserved
Resource Section
Defined STEM A strong pre-packaged option for pursuing PBL with your students > lots of entry points If you have at least 4-5 teachers willing to use this resource, we can fund a building license for the year. This will not be taken from your CC team funding. PD options: unlimited WebX trainings at your convenience. Also an onsite option but it’s expensive.
Defined STEM-Continued Explore sight on your own: link on the CKSD STEM Website or below Login: Kitsap Password: Kitsap (both case sensitive) Defined STEM staff will host a live, informational web meeting for your building to walk you through the resource. Recommend !!!
Team Planning Section
Poster Production Reflect on your team’s plan for the year! Using the Poster Template provided, communicate your plan as clearly and completely as possible ! Use words, diagrams, pictures, etc….
Comment Walk Read, Think, Comment! Study each Poster Use the Project Design Rubric to ID at least 2 Strengths (+) 2 Areas for Improvement (-) Place your Post-it notes next to the poster and move on to the next. Post the 4 posters in the 4 corners of the room Without discussion, ask everyone to go stand by the poster that best represents their school Without discussion, ask everyone to go stand by the poster that represents what they would like to see happen Reflect and Debrief while standing at posters ( whole-group )
Group Reflection & Preparation With your CC Team members, review and reflect upon the Post-It comments provided. Organize the comments in a fashion that is helpful to you. Prepare to present your project and address the comments that were provided.
Project Presentation & Rebuttal Articulate your plan to the whole-group. Be sure to address the Post-It comments provided by your colleagues.