Grand Palm Hotel, Gaborone, 28th – 29th June 2009 Botswana-EC Non-State Actors Capacity Building Programme NSA Capacity Building Programme Enhancing the Capacity of NSAs for Development Presentation to 10th Regional Seminar of ACP-EU Economic and Social Committee Grand Palm Hotel, Gaborone, 28th – 29th June 2009
Background Joint initiative of the EC and the GoB Launched in the framework of the Cotonou Agreement Wider development cooperation agreement between ACP & EU Cotonou Agreement emphasises the participation of NSAs in development processes Vision 2016 for Botswana provides for long-term socio-economic development framework Underscores the importance of partnership of the Government with civil society and the private sector Sustainable development should be people-centred NDP 9 (2003-2009) encourages exploring more avenues for cooperation with NSAs to achieve the goals of Vision 2016
Objectives of the Programme and Priority issues Overall Objective Formulation and implementation of GoB policies, strategies and programmes more responsive to the needs of the population, including the marginalized and disadvantaged sections. Specific Objective Enable NSAs to engage more effectively with government and donor agencies in development processes. Expected Results Improved capacity to participate in policy planning & strategy development Improved skills in relation to good governance Strengthened skills in project cycle management NSAs are enabled to formulate and implement strategies for financial sustainability Strengthened Networking capacity. 3
Target Group Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) – e.g. NGOs, CBOs, FBOs, Community Trusts and other non-profit organisation Economic focused organisations – such as employer and professional organisations and trade unions Associated networking and umbrella organisations Research institutions
Components of the Programme and Activities Capacity Building – €900,000 (BWP9m) Develop and strengthen skills and capacities in – Networking; Policy Analysis; Good Governance; Project Formulation & Management; Resource Mobilisation; Accountability; Financial Sustainability Grant Scheme – €2m (BWP20m) Fund viable, priority and demand driven projects where CSOs empower the marginalised Strengthen civil society participation in development process
Programme Management Implemented by the GoB through the National Authorising Officer within Ministry of Finance and Development Planning Financing Agreement between GoB and the EC GoB has contracted PARTICIP GmbH to provide management support – the Programme Support Unit Programme Steering Committee provides strategic guidance MFDP provides supervision Programme duration 2008-2011
Challenges Ad-hoc ways of NSAs self-organising - not long term and sustainable Inadequate capacity of NSAs to organise and manage themselves Weak management and accountability structures and systems CSO work which is less engaging on policy issues and good governance, emphasis more on welfare Donor flight – support for NSAs dwindled
Opportunities for improved Partnership Long Term Vision for Botswana: Vision 2016 9th National Development Plan: 2003/4-2008/9 EC/GoB Country Strategy Paper and Indicative Programme: 2002-2007; NGO Policy adopted by GoB in 2004 Existence of umbrella NGOs – that take on board many interests Increased interest by CSOs to engage with government on policy design, implementation and review NSA Capacity Building Programme: generated interest and participation CSOs proposals showing interest to review & strengthen of own governance systems e.g. strategic plans
Conclusion Goodwill by stakeholders Capacity building long term process – need for concerted efforts over time Potential seen within NSAs in Botswana NSA Capacity Building Programme –setting a basis and foundation
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