LDZ Offtake Meter Orifice Plate Error Error affecting a number of LDZ offtake meters over National Grid Gas Distribution’s four Networks. Identified following the output of an audit undertaken in July 09 which found an anomaly on the dimensional measurement of an orifice plate. Subsequent investigation traced this back to a faulty calibration device (resulting in bias) which will have affected all orifice meters calibrated by the device while it was faulty. Potentially resulted in a 0.25% under-recording of the volume of gas flowed through each affected meter during its period of error. Formal UNC procedures will ensure independent investigation. Offtake Workstream 16th October, 2009. 10 a.m. 31, Homer Rd. An independent technical expert will be appointed. Additional Information listed on JO Website: http://www.gasgovernance.com/NR/rdonlyres/25BC8D35-C679-41AB-ACC9-08CC6B7D6902/37174/MeterReportSummaryv31.xls