Literary Devices
A warning or indication of a future event. Foreshadowing A warning or indication of a future event.
Foreshadowing Example “If one more person asks me what’s wrong, I am going to SCREAM!” (friend enters and asks “What’s wrong?”) “My dream guy is tall, dark, and handsome.” (Tall, good-looking boy with dark hair enters) “ I don’t need to study; I already know everything.” (What do you think happens here?)
Irony Definition- When the outcome of a story or situation is the opposite of what the reader would expect. Verbal irony- The expression of one’s meaning using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for a humorous effect. Example- Sarcasm Situational irony- when you expect one thing to happen, and the exact opposite happens. Example- Fire station burning down
Irony Example A bald man named “Harry” A fire station burning down A teacher who fails a test
Flashback An earlier event inserted into the chronological order of the story
Flashback Example “It happened 4 years ago…” “It was a rainy day back in April…”