By: [ Vincent Tang ] [ Ben Zhang ] Computer 8 Nutrition By: [ Vincent Tang ] [ Ben Zhang ] Computer 8
Carbohydrates Cm(H2O)n Carbon,hydrogen,oxygen It is a synonym of saccharide Can be viewed as hydrates of carbon
Foods have carbohydrates Candy/Chocolate Cookies/Biscuits Milk, Cream, Yogurt Vegetables Rice Cereals
Fats Component in food One of the 3 nutrients Essential for proper functioning of body Serves as storage of calories One way to reach this goal to eat foods that are about 30%
Trans fats In processed foods Can raise cholesterol, increase risk of heart disease Made to replace saturated fat The most unhealthy fat
Vitamins Needed by body have different uses Discovered in 1912 Vitamin C is the most important vitamin type Contained in fruits and vegetable
Fiber Important for body nutrients Found in plants Have no calories Great amount in citrus fruit
Fibre (cont.) Without sacrificing good taste — or tooth enamel Partially dissolves in water has been shown to lower cholesterol As part of a healthy diet Content of foods on the nutrition labels
Protein Organic compounds made of amino acids Important for human We need it to survive Our skin is made of it
Food have protein Eggs,meat, chicken, fish Pumpkin Seeds Wheat Bread Cheese Tofu
Minerals Make hormones or maintain Needed each day Help build strong bone Too much intake may have health problems
Water Cover 70.9% surface of the earth A lot of water in human have 3 forms Most food have water We need water every day