The Federal Court System By Logan, Jacob, James, and Nicholas
Federal Court Levels There are three court levels in the federal court. These levels are District Courts, Courts of Appeals, and the Supreme Court. Trials start in District courts and then can be appealed to Courts of Appeals and then to the Supreme Court.
District Courts A district court determines criminal and civil cases. There are 94 district courts in the hole inter country. There only 5 district courts in Florida that handle cases. District courts have original jurisdiction. Original jurisdiction means that they have authority of a court to hear cases for the first time. District courts are the only federal courts in which witnesses testify and juries hear cases and reach verdicts.
Appeals In an appeal court they do not have guilty and not guilty but they have appellate jurisdiction. They use this to see if a trial was fair or not fair. Appeal courts also can review the decisions of federal court. Lawyers can also attempt to appeal if they think the judge was unfair or bias, a person who was found guilty can also appeal if they think wrong evidence was used. Each of the 12 US courts of appeals has jurisdiction over a circuit, or geographic area.
Appointing Federal Judges A federal judges are appointed by the president. Vacancies open when a judge retires, resigns, or dies. When a position opens for a District Court, the president follows a practice called senatorial courtesy. In this practice the president asks if a senator approves a choice. If the senator says no the president asks another choice. When appointing to the Supreme Court, The president does not follow this practice. Although, the president must have the consent, or approval, of the Senate.
The Supreme Court The Supreme court's main job is to decide whether laws are allowed by the US constitution. The supreme court has original jurisdiction in only two types of cases. One type of cases that involve disputes between two or more states. The other type is cases that involve diplomats from foreign countries.
Magistrates, Lawyers, and Marshals. A magistrate judge is like a vice president, except for the judge. They handle small things that judges need to do, so the judges can focus on important things. Lawyers represent the government and also prosecute criminals. Marshals are the police of the court. They keep order in the court, make sure people go to court, take people to prison, and collect fines.