Complete your quizzes. 6th form questionnaire
Clarification – in 1898 the British took over most of the Sudan Clarification – in 1898 the British took over most of the Sudan. The French wanted to take over the Sudan as well. Eventually they reached an agreement that the French could have the South and Britain would have the rest. The French rose a flag over Fashoda in South Sudan. Why did they reach this agreement?
Why was North East Africa colonised Why was North East Africa colonised? Standard aim – to develop analysis and knowledge and include this in extended writing
Sort these into general reasons which makes up your points and evidence which makes up the main detail of your paragraphs. Link together the correct points and detail. Encroachment of other imperial powers Steamships British bought 45% of the shares and felt entitled to Suez France also sent battleships to Egypt after the riots in Alexandria Could make money Maxim gun kept jamming The Suez Canal stood to make the British a lot of money as the route to India Egyptians were vulnerable as they had a lot of debt Weak Egyptians and Sudanese Gordon was celebrated in the press for going to remove Islam and stop slavery Christianisation France was marching from the Congo to Southern Sudan. Stanley had raised a flag in Equatoria for King Leopold Civilisation The public wanted to revenge for Gordon’s death The British thought the Mahdist army were weaker as it was now controlled by the Khalifa Circumstances The Mahdi forces defeated the Egyptian forces three times, surrounded Khartoum and eventually killed General Gordon. Public attitudes The British public wanted to Christianise the Sudanese. Riots in Alexandria. Technologically Advanced.
Why was North East Africa colonised? Imperialism Britain only colonised Egypt as it was worried France may take Egypt and Suez. France was also involved in Dual Control. Britain only colonised the Sudan after 13 years when it seemed that King Leopold may take Southern Sudan as Stanley rose his flag in Equatoria, and France was interested in Southern Sudan, as is evident as in the 1898 agreement France got Equatoria Fill in the rest of your circles. Which reason do you think was most important?
The best paragraphs... Are analytical Test the statement Include lots of supporting knowledge Which is the new element?
Why was North East Africa colonised by the British? Where have they completed the three parts? North East Africa was colonised by the British purely due to circumstantial reasons. The Egyptians independently chose to spend heavily and go into debt in a effort to modernise. This led to the international debt commission being set up, which the British couldn’t have foreseen. This then led to the Egyptians becoming rebellious at the unfair allocated and non-allocated funds, which resulted in irregularities in paying the army and deaths after a bad harvest, as there wasn’t enough money to resolve these matters. This again shows it was colonised due to circumstantial reasons. Again, the British couldn’t have foreseen that the Egyptians would attack European property and then killed Europeans in Alexandria, which they were forced to act against. However, it could be argued that the British used this as an excuse and they then went in colonise Egypt as really they wanted complete control of the Suez Canal, this is exemplified by the fact that they went straight to the canal. The Egyptian government then fell and the British had to colonise Egypt otherwise they risked the Suez Canal falling into disarray, or even being taken by the French. This also shows that North East Africa was colonised due to circumstantial reasons. However, the Sudan was not colonised due to circumstantial reasons, otherwise the British would have actually colonised it shortly after 1882 when they colonised Egypt as Egypt controlled the Sudan. Instead they deferred it until imperial encroachment became a real problem. Are analytical Test the statement Include lots of supporting knowledge
‘Britain always intended to colonise North East Africa’ ‘Britain always intended to colonise North East Africa’. How far do you agree? Analysis Own knowledge Challenge your earlier point Link to the actual colonisation of the country Write a paragraph answering this question Write another paragraph explaining the other side of the argument
Homework – due Thursday 16th October What was the Berlin West Africa Conference? How significant do you think it was for the colonisation of Africa?
Dangerous behaviour – Rhys Homework – Jaiden and Stefan