Work, Don’t Steal Ephesians 4:28
Work, Don’t Steal Ephesians 4:28 What putting off the old man and putting on the new man looks like in real life.
Steal no more… Stealing is one way of getting gain – but wrong (Prov. 6: 30-31)
Steal no more… Stealing is one way of getting gain – but wrong (Prov. 6: 30-31) Energy expended in ungodliness
Steal no more… Stealing is one way of getting gain – but wrong (Prov. 6: 30-31) Energy expended in ungodliness Taking for your own that which does not belong to you.
Steal no more… Stealing is one way of getting gain – but wrong (Prov. 6: 30-31) Energy expended in ungodliness Taking for your own that which does not belong to you. Selfish greed is at the core - despised.
Steal no more… Stealing is one way of getting gain – but wrong (Prov. 6: 30-31) Energy expended in ungodliness Taking for your own that which does not belong to you. Selfish greed is at the core - despised. Despises the concept of work
Work… 1. “kopiao” – toil to being tired – bodily mentally
Work… 1. “kopiao” – toil to being tired – bodily mentally 2. Man’s benefit – God blessed (Gen. 2:15, Prov. 13:11, 14:23
Work… 1. “kopiao” – toil to being tired – bodily mentally 2. Man’s benefit – God blessed (Gen. 2:15, Prov. 13:11, 14:23) 3. Christian’s good influence (I Thess. 4:12, Acts 20:33-34)
Work that which is “Good” 1. Honest occupations – producing benefit (Titus 3:8, 14)
Work that which is “Good” 1. Honest occupations – producing benefit (Titus 3:8, 14) 2. Paul’s example (Acts 18:3)
Give to them in need 1. Laboring to share with others – sweet sleep (Eccl. 5:12)
Give to them in need 1. Laboring to share with others – sweet sleep (Eccl. 5:12) Paul’s example (Acts 18:3)
Give to them in need 1. Laboring to share with others – sweet sleep (Eccl. 5:12) Paul’s example (Acts 18:3) The blessed life (Acts 20:35)
Put off old man – steal no more Put on New man – work to benefit Purpose: to give to him in need Ephesians 4:28
The new man is not produced by magical regeneration… Put off old man – steal no more Put on New man – work to benefit Purpose: to give to him in need Ephesians 4:28 The new man is not produced by magical regeneration…
Put off old man – steal no more Put on New man – work to benefit Purpose: to give to him in need Ephesians 4:28 The new man is not produced by magical regeneration… The new man is the application of sound doctrine