agenda *Shakespearean Close Reading Practice *Othello - Act III: Cause/Effect Timeline Activity While discussing group responses, mark quotes from rest of Act III (which was homework) - Read Othello Act IV, Scenes i & ii - Practice writing about Othello (claim) HW: Finish Act IV (or do it in class tomorrow?)
Reminders 3/5/18 Othello Quiz, Acts III & IV – Wednesday, 3/7 Vocab Quiz Unit 8 – Friday, 3/9
Othello close reading practice
Othello: Read Act III Sticky Note Response for Act III One sticky note will have the answers to 2 questions (What surprised you in this Act? And What was confirmed for you in this act?) One sticky note will focus on either Othello, Iago or another character AND have either a question, comment, or quote w/brief note
Cause-Effect Timeline Consider Act III, scenes iii & iv Identify THREE - FIVE moments. Put them in chronological order above the timeline (these are the WHAT) Underneath the timeline (aligned with each moment), write a brief note to explain WHY that moment occurred. EXAMPLE: Cassio fights w/Roderigo Othello fires Cassio decides & Montano Cassio to ask for his job back Iago has manipulated people Othello trusted Iago Cassio looks to Iago for and a situation to serve his purpose. He to tell him the truth. advice. Iago manipulates not only cajoled Cassio to get drunk, but He believed his half-truths. another situation to his he convinced Roderigo to instigate a fight. Cassio didn’t speak up. advantage. (People too.)
othello Finish marking quotes for Act III Read Act IV, Scenes i & ii