CLIL: a short insight into an innovative approach Mauro Sandre SSIS 2° Anno A046 – Inglese
What is meant by CLIL? Language acquisition theories behind CLIL Krashen (1987): acquisition vs learning Krashen (1987) input hypothesis Input must be comprehensible (i+1)→ acquisition Cummins (2002) BICS-CALP binomial Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills – Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Cummins (2002) diagram cognitively demanding context embedded context reduced cognitively undemanding
How can Ss learn/acquire language through CLIL? focus on content rather than form (natural environment of language acquisition) motivation cognitive processes and linguistic support concepts lexis processes communicative function study skills linguistic skills metacognition textual organisation memory grammar → language as a complex cognitive skill
How is a CLIL lesson organised? Developing cognitive skills 'diagrams of thinking‘ to help learners categorise the ideas and information in a text tree diagrams for classification, groups, hierarchies flow diagrams and timelines for sequenced thinking (instructions and historical information) tabular diagrams (describing people and places) All four skills combined listening/reading as source of input speaking focuses on fluency writing through a series of lexical activities Providing lexical structures (frames) Focus on lexis rather than grammar Focus on language related to the subject Linguistic activities Pre, while and post reading tasks are as appropriate in the subject context as in the language context
How should Ss perform in L2? Focus on form through: Need to perform L2 Revising L2 production L2 Ts should intervene on form Written production Focus on errors Focus on text organisation Oral production Feedback on errors Negotiation
Are language Ts going to disappear with CLIL? Content Ts recruitment criteria Coonan 2001: “Language Ts are still important concerning Ss’ output (focus on form is needed)” Evaluation both on content and language Language CLIL Content subject subject