Science Curriculum Showcase Thursday, January 12, 2016 6pm
Title 1 – Agenda Science Overview Framework Student expectations Resources
Elementary science education is essential Elementary science education is essential. The concepts, principles, processes, and skills must be acquired in order to comprehend what students see, hear, read and interpret. Science at the elementary level is used to enhance reading comprehension and is a central, integrated part of elementary education. Instruction begins in Kindergarten Students are state tested beginning in 5th Grade
Mississippi Science Framework based on This powerpoint will be posted on School Website under Karla Thompson’s tab for Parental Involvement. Please visit it or the Mississippi Department of Education for further details.
4 Levels for Depth of Knowledge Recall – facts, definitions, terms, simple procedures, applying formulas Skill/Concept – make decisions on how to approach the problem or activity Strategic Thinking – reasoning, planning, using evidence Extended Thinking – complex reasoning, planning, developing and thinking
Earth and Space Science Physical Science The Mississippi Science Framework is comprised of three content strands: Life Science Earth and Space Science Physical Science The five process strands are Science as Inquiry Unifying Concepts and Processes Science and Technology Science in Personal and Social Perspectives History and Nature of Science .
This is the first objective: Inquiry Example: KINDERGARTEN CONTENT STRANDS: Inquiry Life Science Physical Science Earth and Space Science COMPETENCIES AND OBJECTIVES: INQUIRY 1. Ask questions and find answers by scientific investigation. a. Demonstrate an understanding of a simple investigation by asking questions. (DOK 2) b. Compare, sort, and group objects according to size, shape, color, and texture. (DOK 2) c. Identify simple tools (rulers, thermometers, scales, and hand lenses) used to gather information. (DOK 1) d. Recognize that people have always had questions about their world and identify science as one way of answering questions and explaining the natural world. (DOK 1) e. Describe ideas using drawings and oral expression. (DOK 2) f. Recognize that when a science investigation is done the way it was done before, very similar results are expected. (DOK 1 This is the first objective: Inquiry
So, Let’s look at how a science objective changes from Kindergarten to 5th grade. Found on MDE website:
Scaffolding for Inquiry Objective Part a K: 1. Ask questions and find answers by scientific investigation. a. Demonstrate an understanding of a simple investigation by asking questions. (DOK 2) 1: 1. Understand how to plan and carry out a simple scientific investigation. a. Demonstrate an understanding of a simple investigation by asking appropriate questions about objects, organisms, and events. (DOK 2) 2: 1. Develop abilities necessary to conduct scientific investigations. a. Formulate questions about objects and organisms and predict outcomes in order to conduct a simple investigation. (DOK 2) 3: 1. Apply concepts involved in a scientific investigation. a. Identify questions and predict outcomes that can be examined through scientific investigations. (DOK 3) 4: 1. Explain and use skills necessary to conduct scientific inquiry. a. Form hypotheses and predict outcomes of problems to be investigated. (DOK 3) 5: 1. Develop and demonstrate an understanding of scientific inquiry using process skills. a. Form a hypothesis, predict outcomes, and conduct a fair investigation that includes manipulating variables and using experimental controls. (DOK 3)
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