Arrangements – next steps 1: 2 – WG GES Mandate Revised mandate to be sent to WG GES 3 - Workshop on Scales DG GES: 2 October to send any comments on analysis report to Deltares Deltares: 9 October to send report to EU COM for WS Opportunity to comment on analysis after WS – (deadline to be confirmed) – to finalise the analysis
Arrangements – next steps 2: 4 – Mandate for the Committee Revised mandate to WG GES DG GES: 4 October - to inform joachim.d‘ about joining the lead persons for descriptor-related work 5 – Common Understanding document DG GES: 4 October – comments on outline to 2bis, 5 and 6: initial draft for next DG GES meeting (EU/DE) (DC: clarifying relationship Art. 8, 9, 10, Annex III and COM Dec) Annex I – draft in spring 2014 Section 8 to be developed in stages building on SCALES project. Firm up outline and timing following Workshop
Arrangements – next steps 2: 6 – Draft agenda WGGES/Ecostat joint meeting Send out draft agenda 7 – AOB Next DG GES meeting: 14 and 15 January 2014 Inform WG GES per mail about DG GES meeting