Common Core State Standards: A Statewide Dialogue Common Core State Standards: A Statewide Dialogue What is the Common Core State Standards Initiative and how is New York State involved?
What is the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI)? New York is one of 51 states and territories that have joined the CCSSI A joint effort by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) A significant and historic opportunity for states to collectively develop and adopt a core set of academic standards in English language arts and mathematics
What is the Common Core State Standards Initiative? (con’t) April 2009, New York State committed to being a part of the Common Standards Dialogue after signing a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to participate in the national dialogue to develop these voluntary standards
What is the Common Core State Standards Initiative? (con’t) States choosing to align their standards to the Common Core Standards have agreed that the common core will represent at least 85 percent of their state’s standards in ELA and mathematics States may add up to 15% additional standards as judged necessary
Who is involved in the development? The National Governor’s Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) are leading the process in partnership with ACT, the College Board, and Achieve to develop the common core state standards in English language arts and mathematics
Why is this important? These Common Core Standards will be a critical first step to bring about real and meaningful transformation of our education system to benefit all students The Common Core Standards help define the knowledge and skills all students need to succeed in college and careers Expectations will be consistent for all students
When will the Common Core Standards be released? (Revised 3/10/10) September 2009: Draft college and career readiness standards released for public review and comment December 2009: Preliminary draft of K-8 grade by grade standards for ELA and mathematics released for workgroup and state review and comment March 2010: Final draft of K-12 grade by grade standards for ELA and mathematics released for public review and comment Spring 2010: Final set of ELA and mathematics standards issued
NGA/CCSSO ELA/Mathematics Common Core Standards The following slides provide a brief overview of the March draft K-12 ELA and mathematics Common Core Standards 8
Overview of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Contains an “Introduction” with clarifications and guidance Standards are organized by grade-level (K-8) and grade-band (9-10; 11-12) Standards are divided into Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, and Language strands Is aligned to the NGA/CCSSO College- and Career-Readiness Standards released in September 2009
Overview of Common Core K-12 Standards (con’t) The Standards comprise three main sections: a comprehensive K-5 section and two content area-specific sections for grades 6-11, one in English language arts and one in history/social studies and science Contains appendices with research supporting the standards, examples of illustrative texts, and samples of student writing
Overview of Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (added 3/10/10) Organized as Core Standards-what students should understand and be able to do Includes Eight Mathematical Practices that are to be woven throughout the curriculum and taught in conjunction with content and procedures Grade level standards for grades K-8 organized by domains (large groups of related standards) and clusters (smaller groups of related standards) Bands of progressions in grades K-8 organized by domains and clusters
Overview of Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (con’t) (added 3/10/10) Grades 9-12 organized in conceptual categories or modules/progressions under the headings of Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Geometry, Statistics and Probability, and Modeling Appendices include grades 9-12 model course descriptions based on the conceptual categories Glossary of terms
How does the Common Core State Standards Initiative connect to the Board of Regents Standards Review Initiative? Chapter 57 of the Laws of 2007 mandates the State Education Department to establish a timeline and process to review and evaluate the New York State Learning Standards which were approved in 1996, beginning with English language arts
How does the Common Core State Standards Initiative connect to the Board of Regents Standards Review Initiative? (con’t) Over the past two years, the Standards Review Initiative English Language Arts Panel has reviewed and revised the NYS ELA Learning Standards The grade by grade draft PreK-12 document for ELA/ESL Learning Standards was presented to the Board of Regents at its December 2009 meeting The draft ELA/ESL Learning Standards revision work will be considered in conjunction with the final NGA/CCSSO Common Core Standards
How does the Common Core State Standards Initiative connect to the Board of Regents Standards Review Initiative? (con’t) The Board of Regents adopted the revised NYS Mathematics Standard in 2005 The NYS Mathematics Standard 3 will be benchmarked against the Common Core Standards
What is the process for adoption in New York State? (Revised 3/10/10) New York State is taking a leadership role as part of the Common Core Standards Initiative A series of events have already begun in the implementation of a four phase process New York looks to adopt a combined set of new learning standards and grade-by-grade performance expectations for P-12 in ELA and mathematics These learning standards will be informed by the Common Core Standards, the draft Standards Review Initiative ELA/ESL Learning Standards, and the 2005 Mathematics Core
Four Phase Process (Revised 3/10/10) Public Review and Comment on Common Core Standards December 2009-April 2010 Information on the Common Core Standards can be found on the NYSED Common Core Standards Initiative website including a toolkit for public comment
Phase 1(con’t) The toolkit contains: A video of Commissioner Steiner inviting public review & comment A powerpoint presentation of the Common Core Standards Initiative NGA/CCSSO final draft of the grade by grade Common Core Standards for public review and comment Two online survey instruments; one for public comment on the NGA/CCSSO proposed ELA standards; the other for public comment on the NGA/CCSSO mathematics standards Links to related materials
Phase 1 (con’t) Regional Forums will be held statewide through the NYS Teacher Centers NYSED will compile statewide survey results NYSED will submit a formal response to NGA/CCSSO
Phase 2 (Revised 3/10/10) Propose a revised set of NYS Learning Standards for ELA/Mathematics Review final set of Common Core Standards against the draft ELA/ESL Learning Standards, 2005 Mathematics Core, and the Standards Review Initiative (SRI) Working Principles Compile a proposed draft of NYS Learning Standards for ELA and mathematics Develop recommendations to the Board of Regents for adoption
Phase 3 (Revised 3/10/10) Public Review, Comment and Adoption of NYS Learning Standards for ELA and Mathematics An invitation will be extended for statewide public review and comment of the proposed PreK-12 NYS Learning Standards for ELA and mathematics Board of Regents will act on a revised set of ELA and Mathematics Learning Standards July 2010
Phase 4 (Revised 3/10/10) Design curriculum frameworks that are sequenced, spiraled, content- rich and form the foundation for world-class learning, professional development, pre-service education, formative assessment, and summative assessment Integrate the revised learning standards into the State’s P-12 schools Revise the State’s Testing Program to measure student attainment of the learning standards Revise/create standards in other subjects, such as science, technology, and the Arts
Phase 4 (con’t) (Revised 3/10/10) What happens next? For systemic change to occur, educators and students must be supported (e.g., time, resources, teacher preparation, professional development) in changing classroom practice to facilitate attainment of the learning standards
For More Information NYSED Process: Common Core State Standards Initiative Common Core State Standards Initiative National Governors Association (NGA) Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)