The NBK as a replacement for SUNCAT… What’s the plan? Neil Grindley, Head of Resource Discovery, Jisc
National Bibliographic Knowledgebase National Bibliographic enabling nationwide collaboration National Bibliographic Knowledgebase
The NBK Vision Identifiers Standards From a library From a publisher From the Web From a repository The NBK Vision Enhanced Collection Management Community Engagement Better Data Accessibility Identifiers Better Version Tracking & Linking Advice & Guidance Standards Better Digital Access Quality Assurance More Effective Metadata Circulation Data Usage & Analytics Demand Information
145 institutions have agreed to participate NBK Progress The numbers so far … 145 institutions have agreed to participate 75 datasets have been made available to the NBK 70 datasets have been processed
The NBK will start to be a viable service in January 2019 Expectations The NBK will start to be a viable service in January 2019 SUNCAT will be retired in July 2019
NBK Beta Trial Interface Available!
A more fully developed NBK interface will be released in January 2019
Serials metadata is currently excluded from the NBK record clustering process The SUNSET project will ensure that the NBK identifies and meets community requirements for serials data
Draft Timeline – SUNSET Project
Current Working Assumptions on Serials Data Requirements & Use Cases Show holdings information Support for UK Research Reserve (Scarcity Checking) Serials Collection Management: holdings comparison service Support discovery for ILL requests Identify Open Access journals Interoperation with other Jisc services Zetoc KB+ Keepers Registry Open URL Router
Future enhancements / directions …? Record matching and merging techniques Customisation / Personalisation features Join up with library access schemes More integration with ILL Non-MARC formats and linked data Links to article level information Use of authority controls and identifiers Scope of contributing libraries