Your Life Your Choice
Your Life Your Choice Information, advice and guidance for children, young people, families and adults E-market place for users to find support services and products Events calendar to find local groups and activities
Aims of the website Prevent problems from escalating Reduce the amount of inappropriate referrals to early help and social care (e.g. through the Family Front Door and with our providers/partners) Provide a tool that professionals can use with families to provide further support Help communities to help themselves – across all ages
Key points of the site ‘Hot topics’ – most searched information or relevant campaigns Search bar Categories of information Landing pages Information pages Useful links / other pages Provider search Events calendar Open up the website at this point to talk through
Register as a provider It’s free and you can amend your details and add further services, products and/or events We carry out checks on providers depending on what services are delivered Click on the ‘provider registration’ button Identify what provider you are Add in your details Submit for approval Once approved – amend your details, add new services/products and events that will appear immediately Add one-off events without registering
If you need help… If you get stuck registering as a provider contact If you notice some information on the site that is incorrect, or think there should be something on there that isn’t, please send us your feedback using the app in the footer of the website Please make good use of this site yourself and with the residents you work with!