Status of Readout Boards and Gas Monitor Craig Woody BNL Upgrade Working Group July 18, 2006
Schedule for Readout Boards More than half of the boards (10/16 for each side) have been fabricated. Remaining boards should be finished by Friday. One board of each type has been stuffed by the stuffing house and tested at BNL. Both work fine. Stuffing of remaining 9 of each started on Monday and will be ready on Thursday (7/20). Remaining boards will be finished about a week later. Feed through connectors will be added at BNL and then tested. Test fixture being constructed to speed up testing (expect to take ~ 1 hour/board). Gluing procedure for rohacell has been tested and works. Boards will be glued after testing. Rate will be 4/day. Expect first boards to be ready to send to Stony Brook ~ 7/26 Will construct fixture to help facilitate installing boards on back of detector. C.Woody, HBD Working Group Meeting, 7/18/06
C.Woody, HBD Working Group Meeting, 7/18/06 Final Readout Board First RHS board (IO1260) Mfg: RD Circuits C.Woody, HBD Working Group Meeting, 7/18/06
Test Pulse Distribution M.Rumore C.Woody, HBD Working Group Meeting, 7/18/06
C.Woody, HBD Working Group Meeting, 7/18/06 Gas Monitor Gas Monitor arrived at BNL 7/6. Looks good ! Have begun setting up Labview controls of spectrometer grating and current switch for picoammeters. Other parts (phototube housings, windows, test cells, etc.) are being fabricated. Some are already finished, some will be ready within a week or two. We have decided to add a small turbo pump to the spectrometer and mirror box. This will allow us to measure the gas transmission relative to vacuum rather than argon. With a relatively small modification to the gas lines for the argon, can also pump on test cells for calibration for vacuum transmission. Estimate ~ one month to complete entire system. C.Woody, HBD Working Group Meeting, 7/18/06
Gas Transmission Monitor C.Woody, HBD Working Group Meeting, 7/18/06