Why Change
Diversity – Inclusion - Equity The active, intentional, and ongoing engagement with diversity in different dimmensions of the organizational culture such as: relationship building, curricula and program development, communications, decision making, amongst others. EQUITY The active, intentional and ongoing practice of responsively attending to the differentiated needs from diverse populations as present and relevant to the organizational culture and work. DIVERSITY All the ways in which people are both alike and different such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, culture, religion, mental and physical ability, class, immigration status, etc. SAY: Let’s have a brief brainstorm of what comes to mind when you hear these words Diversity, Inclusion and Equity? Let’s hear from a few people. [Pause to have people think through and share their answers] It is important to note that diversity, inclusion and equity refer to three different elements that are needed to build fairer and more integrated societies. [Read through the definitions and emphasize their different nature] As you can see diversity is more about the acknowledgement of difference as part of nature while inclusion and equity are about the active, intentional, ongoing and responsive engagement of difference.
In the past 5 years, what has changed around diversity, inclusion and equity Across the United States In our local community In the field of our practice or business SAY: Now, let’s take an intentional look around how are these showing up across our country, locally and in the field of our work. What are you noticing? Pair up with a partner and have a brief conversation about changes you have noticed in the past 5 years. [Give people 5 minutes to dialogue.] Let’s hear from a few people. What came to mind with these questions? [Collect their thoughts on a white board or flipchart paper.]
What are some of the drivers behind these changes? Rising expectations & demands for inclusive and equitable practices: Clients Regulators General society Increasing amount of data proving racial inequities across society Trends of demographic change in U.S. (2042 no racial group as the majority) Other ASK: Now, Let’s brainstorm as a group What are some of the drivers we can identify behind these changes? [Pause to have people share. Engage as many people as possible.,] SAY: Here are some additional forces of change moving society to furrther diversity, inclusion and equity [Read through the bullet points.]
Given this context and the mission of our organization [past organization’s mission] Why is it important for us to embrace change? What are the benefits if we do? What are the costs if we don’t? ASK: Now, Let’s brainstorm as a group What are some of the drivers we can identify behind these changes? [Pause to have people share. Engage as many people as possible.,] SAY: Here are some additional forces of change moving society to furrther diversity, inclusion and equity [Read through the bullet points.]
What Happens When Organizations Don’t Change? [Note: this slide is animated.] SAY: One thing we can learn from is the past. ASK: What happens when organizations don’t change? Here are a few examples. Borders – In their adjustment to digital media for both books and music, they rapidly expanded without understanding the market. Xerox – Used a model of leasing machines instead of selling. With rapid changes in technology, they were left with a huge inventory of machines that were leased that needed to be upgraded. Blackberry – Did not get into the touchscreen technology quickly, which limited how users could access and navigate the internet. Kodak – Did not move to digital soon enough. Their business was based on film. Video stores – Didn’t adjust to changing technology and move to internet distribution.
What Happens When People Don’t Change? ASK: Now, what happens when people don’t change? [Collect their thoughts on a white board or flipchart paper.] [Examples may be: Become stagnant in their skills Don’t move up in their jobs Become less valuable to the organization Are not as valued by their co-workers Become frustrated because they are out of step with those around them] Have you known someone who resisted change? Would someone be willing to share? [Dialog about the example shared.] What was the outcome? SAY: We all might have examples in our own lives of choosing to change or not.
What will it take to Change? Do We Need to Change? Absolutely What will it take to Change? Flexibility New Ideas Willingness to Learn Support Systems SAY: As we move forward as an organization , it will be important for us to recognize when we need to change in order to remain current - and support the needs of the organization as it adapts to the broader market changes.